(This is an update from this post from last week.) After reading so many heartbreaking posts about not being chosen for the 2011 Disney Social Media Moms Celebration in Disney World and how Disney was not fair with the selection process, I decided to continue my story. I was already mentally preparing myself for the news that lots of other bloggers were receiving so I decided not to check my emails so obsessively like I've been for the past 24 hours. Reason being -- I had not received … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving!
By now, everyone has eaten their Thanksgiving meal and are probably comatose like my husband. I was almost there but I fought it. Anyway, I wanted to stop and take some time to tell everyone what I'm thankful for this year (in no particular order) This year I'm thankful... For my family - You love and support me unconditionally and are there for me when I need someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on. For my friends - Both real and virtual. Thank you for being you. And because of … [Read more...]
Yes! My Prayers Have Been Answered.
Image: graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Finally! My prayers have been answered. Thank you Lord! I tweeted a few weeks ago that I had to get a fine-needle biopsy because of an abnormal ultrasound (results showed spots of calcium deposits) of my thyroid. I stated I was scared on Twitter and I received so many heartfelt replies and concerns, I was beyond overwhelmed with all the "Twitter love," it was amazing. You guys made me feel so much better. THANK YOU ALL WHO REPLIED!! You know who … [Read more...]
Tide Acti-Lift Presents The Premiere of “Ramona And Beezus”
(Note: Post is long with photos & video so please make sure to check those out! Thanks.) Waking up at 6 am is something I usually don't like doing in the summer. I'm a wahm (p/t) so the summer days for us are also lazy days. We go to sleep late from watching TV, movies or playing games and usually the kids are sleeping til 9am. This past Tuesday was exceptionally different. Several days ago I received an invitation from a representative of Tide detergent about the upcoming advanced … [Read more...]
Happy Father’s Day To All The Dads & Single Mamas
To my dad, my papi, you are always in my thoughts and my heart. I think about the times you spent with me guiding me and filling my mind with your wisdom. You were always thoughtful, caring and a very loving father. Even after the divorce, you never let that get in the way of your love for us. You made sure to see my sister and I every week. You never once not kiss or hug me. You taught me how a father should be. I'm so glad and very fortunate I got to spend 19 beautiful years with you. May … [Read more...]
My Frown is Now Upside Down!
Thanks to my dear friend, Mariana, whom I've only known for a short time but who is dear to my heart has took (almost) a full day (I can't tell you how appreciative I am of you for doing this) to fix a MAJOR problem on my site for me. Apparently, my site was hacked because I never updated my Wordpress account (don't ever let this happen people!) and my password was the same for 2 years (a huge no-no!). It also messed up my Feedburner email updates so no one was getting my blog updates. It … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday | The Good Ol’ Days
My parents & me. … [Read more...]
Almost WW – Surprise!
Lately, I have been totally addicted to Bakerella. She has the most amazing cupcakes, cake pops and goodies you could ever imagine. I wish I was there to taste each and every goodness. So since I can't be there, I tried to be Ms. Bakerella for several hours and made this: and this: It took me about 4 hours from start to finish. It wasn't that difficult to make but since it was my first time making them, it took awhile. It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun. She makes it … [Read more...]
Entrecard Thanks.
Thank you all for dropping by my little spot on the web. I really appreciate all the love and comments. Thanks again and have a wonderful day! Dropper # of drops I Learn Online Marketing 31 The Junk Drawer 31 DJ Tammy Squels 30 On The Bricks 29 Tips and News on Healthy Lifestyle 29 1 Blog and 2 Sides 27 Art Joolree 26 Silver Sachet 24 The Coupon Coup 24 Glue 4 Families 22 … [Read more...]