Where do I even start? My mind is going a mile a second and I can't even get my thoughts processed correctly these days. It's been almost nine months since I started working full time and I've got to be honest, it's been difficult for me. On top of my thyroid condition (I HATE it!), being anemic and feeling tired all the time - it's hard for me! It's especially difficult knowing that my kids won't have much of a summer because both parents are working full time, five days a week, to get … [Read more...]
Co-Sleeping? Not This Mom!
I'm just being real here. I've come to the realization that I couldn't AND cannot share my lovely sleep number bed with any of my children. Don't get me wrong, I've done the co-sleeping thing when my babies were "babies" (like when they were newborns and not beyond one month!) but now that they (well, I'm really talking about my seven-year-old here) are bigger, I say no flippin' way! Not after last night's fiasco. Let me tell you, I had one of the worse nights ever! Since my husband went … [Read more...]
I’m a Mom to a 15-Year-old!
So I'm officially a mom of a 15-year old. Well technically it won't be until 10:17 pm. How did that happen? It was just yesterday that I was holding him in my arms at the young age of 21. I was a young mom but I definitely had the motherly instincts when it came to caring for my baby. Maybe it's because I've always loved kids. I remember vividly when I was in third grade, I mentioned to my teacher that I wanted to have my first baby at 21 and I wanted a boy because my family was filled … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday – Scary Statistic For Teen Girls (#linky)
As a mom of two girls, seeing statistics like this one freaks me out! It's up to the parents to educate our future! Have a Wordless Wednesday Post? Link up your post below. I would love to see your photo! And don’t forget to visit these participants as well: The Domestic Buzz, Momspective, Dear Crissy & 5 Minutes for Mom. … [Read more...]
Where Do You Keep Your Home Computer?
Being that there are so many online predators nowadays, I often wonder where the majority of parents keep their home computers in the home. Before my last child was born, we had the extra room as our "computer room." Back then I wasn't worried about my kids entering a site that was inappropriate or them looking at videos on YouTube (there are some ridiculous videos on that site that should be rated xxx). Now that my kids range from 5 to 14 years old, I'm not taking any chances on anything … [Read more...]
Back-To-School With Seventh Generation | Review & Giveaway
So folks, that's it. It's Back-to-school time! Summer is finally over (boo-hoo) and school is now in session. Kids will be on a schedule (finally!) and will bring home homework (among other things) every week. On top of bringing homework to the home, they'll also bring home those nasty germs from school. Did you know that 2.7 million bacterial found per square inch is on common school surfaces? It's no wonder that 82 percent of parents with kids in grades K-5 fret about the germs in … [Read more...]
The Latest in Microwave Technology: True Cook Plus
Last month I had an opportunity to check out the latest technology in microwaves called True Cook Plus, thanks to my friend Kimberly Coleman from Mominthecity.com. The event was held at City Treehouse in Chelsea on a beautiful New York City afternoon (check out the slide show at the bottom of this post featuring the microwave, food and City Treehouse). While the kids played in the play area, the parents/bloggers learned how True Cook Plus works, which is a microwave technology that cooks … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday | The Good Ol’ Days
My parents & me. … [Read more...]