Co-Sleeping? Not This Mom!


I’m just being real here. I’ve come to the realization that I couldn’t AND cannot share my lovely sleep number bed with any of my children. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done the co-sleeping thing when my babies were “babies” (like when they were newborns and not beyond one month!) but now that they (well, I’m really talking about my seven-year-old here) are bigger, I say no flippin’ way!

Not after last night’s fiasco.

Let me tell you, I had one of the worse nights ever! Since my husband went away for military training Friday morning for two weeks, I thought it would be a good idea to have my little one sleep with me. To my surprise, he came home last night and let me tell you, he didn’t like the idea of our 7-year-old sleeping in our bed.

I thought, it shouldn’t be THAT bad but I was so wrong!

She kicked me numerous times, she had her elbow and knees on my back, my butt was hanging off of our queen-sized bed and my pillow kept slipping off the bed. Oh my goodness, never again! I’m so exhausted. I’m sure hubby is exhausted to since he had to wake up at 4:30 to leave again for two weeks — this time he’s not coming back until he’s done with his training.

So I’m convinced I’m not made for co-sleeping. I really don’t know how parents do it Every. Single. Night.

I adore sleep.

I need sleep.

I crave it.

I don’t think I want my precious sleep interrupted by a little person ever again.

Do you co-sleep? Do you really have a really good nights rest with your child/children sleeping in your bed? Inquiring minds would like to know.


  1. Caryn B says:

    Haha! We still co sleep but my husband wants to get them out of the bed. I usually can get a good night’s sleep if it is just one child but 2? Oy!
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  2. Made the mistake w my son when he was about six months until two years old. Hubby was able to train him to sleep in his own bed. I am still shocked at his crazy sleeping habits. Not sure how I survived without a bruise for that time. Not doing it again!
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    • I hear its hard to get them to their own beds. Glad your hubby was able to train him. That’s what these kids need – training! lol

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