As a mom of two girls, seeing statistics like this one freaks me out! It’s up to the parents to educate our future!
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Si, it’s very scary. I like the design job they did on the ad, very effective!
Dariela recently posted..Love to watch him play – Wordless Wednesday
Sad, but true. It’s hard for mother’s with teenage girls out there, it takes a lot of attention and hard work to prevent that.
MamiCool recently posted..Miércoles Mudo Boda Real
There is a moment for everything in life and motherhood does not belong in the teenage years
Maybelline @ Naturalmente Mamá recently posted..Miércoles Mudo Junto al Chef Alfredo Oropeza
Verdaderamente preocupante….
Reina – Mamá en Casa recently posted..El Mismo Cielo
WOW! That is shocking!
Patty recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Ugly Dress Store- Part 2
Por Dios… da susto esa estadística !!
Manuela recently posted..¿Acoso Vegigal – control de esfínteres
I have seen that ad in the city. I also from NY. Great pic!
Mayra recently posted..Ayer me llegó mi compra de 000
Yeah I heard it’s national pregnancy awareness month. That’s just insane.
Definitely scary… I’m glad they’re trying to raise awareness, but I wonder if it actually works? They should have billboards like this in the hallways of high schools.
Mariana recently posted..Random cellphone photos
Not only is that an amazing statistic, but the unfortunate thing is that the numbers are always higher for minorities. Thanks for sharing this. I had no idea about and I just checked them out. Love the work they’re doing, their campaigns are real shockers and they have a lot of celebrities on board.
That number is scary – I hope my boys don’t contribute to this statistic when they are teens!!!! 🙁 *sigh*