Hey everyone. You know this is the very first year I have not one item for our Thanksgiving feast? Usually I have some of the Thanksgiving essentials weeks before but this year is different. I'm too busy. I'm too tired. And I'm too "unscheduled" (is that even a word? lol) as of yet. I haven't found the right balance of working, blogging and motherhood but I'm hopeful. I know I will soon find it. But right now it's time for me to get down and dirty and figure out what our … [Read more...]
Ramblings: Never Mess with a Woman’s Cooking!
When my husband and I first moved in together I didn't really know much about cooking. I mean, I watched my grandparents and mom cook all these delectable and traditional Puerto Rican dishes so it wasn't like I didn't know how to cook, I just never really actually prepared a meal before. Before I cooked my very first meal, I did what any smart person would do. I called my mom. Me: Ma, what is your secret? What makes your food taste so good? (It's not cheating if you ask your mom right? … [Read more...]
Easy Recipe: Latina-Style 5-Ingredient Pasta & Chicken
Happy Sabroso (Tasty) Saturday everyone! (Sabroso Saturday was created by Ms. Latina as a blog hop where everyone can join in on the fun and bloggers can post their favorite recipes on the web.) This past week, my husband and I got in the kitchen (yes, we cook together sometimes without killing each other!;)) trying to decide what to cook for dinner. I tend to cook the same thing over and over; rice, beans and meat or fish but sometimes it can get tiresome and boring, just ask my … [Read more...]
Easy Recipe: Guineos En Escabeche (Sabroso Saturday)
When I was pregnant with my son, I didn't get too many cravings but when I did, let me tell you, they were very strong. They were so strong that it was all I thought about. I wasn't that "crazy" pregnant woman that would send her husband to the store at 3 in the morning to get chocolate or whatever the craving was. I was patient, in a way. I did drink milk every single day because that was one of the things I craved and it was not because it was good for me or the baby. The one thing that … [Read more...]