Easy Recipe: Latina-Style 5-Ingredient Pasta & Chicken

Happy Sabroso (Tasty) Saturday everyone!

(Sabroso Saturday was created by Ms. Latina as a blog hop where everyone can join in on the fun and bloggers can post their favorite recipes on the web.)

This past week, my husband and I got in the kitchen (yes, we cook together sometimes without killing each other!;)) trying to decide what to cook for dinner. I tend to cook the same thing over and over; rice, beans and meat or fish but sometimes it can get tiresome and boring, just ask my husband.

The easiest meal to cook, in my opinion, is pasta. It’s quick, easy, filling and it costs very little to make. But the only problem is that I have to be in the mood to eat pasta because I’m not really a “pasta person.” On the other hand, my kids are. They LOVE pasta. I’m more of a “rice person.” During those days when I’m not in the mood for pasta, I usually just eat a sandwich or soup. It works for me.

Good thing I was craving pasta, thanks to my womanly hormones.ย  So hubby suggested that we take 3 chicken breasts, cut them up in small to medium pieces and saute them in 2 tablespoons of sofrito and olive oil.

Before we added anything else, I came up with the name Latina-Style 5-Ingredient Pasta & Chicken.ย  It really is 5 ingredients: (1) chicken, (2) pasta, (3) can of crushed tomatoes, (4) sofrito and any (5) seasonings you like. Ok, so it’s actually four ingredients if you want to get technical but I think seasonings plays a big part in this dish. ๐Ÿ˜‰

While the chicken cooked, we added our favorite seasonings (we add a little bit of everything; sazon, adobo, bay leaves,cilantro leaves, oregano, onion and garlic powder, black pepper, cumin & a packet of ham flavoring). Cover the pot and leave it cooking on medium heat for 20-30 minutes.

Remember, the longer you cook chicken, the more tender it gets. While the chicken is cooking, cook the pasta just like it says so in the back of the box (we used medium-size shells). When the chicken is tender, add a 28-ounce can of crushed tomatoes with Basil (we use Tuttorosso brand) and cook for 15 minutes so that the flavors can incorporate.

Once the pasta is ready, drain and mix everything in a big pot and serve.

Now wasn’t that easy? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  1. YUM! I don’t think there is any carb I’ll turn my nose up at. lol I love rice, pasta, potatoes, couscous, etc. You get the idea. lol This dish sounds so delicious and so easy to recreate it. Thanks for sharing!
    Run DMT recently posted..Feeling Like a Jerk

  2. Que rico and easy!!! Looks perfect for a cold winter day!
    Carolyn G recently posted..TONIGHT! Join Me for the Go Red Twitter Party!

  3. This looks like something we can make for a big family meal, avoid the fight over “bigger” pieces of chicken.
    Ofelia recently posted..Kid-Safe โ€œAlmostโ€ Vodka Sauce โ€“ Sabroso Saturday

  4. Kristina Brooke says:

    This looks good! I love sofrito. Love it. Must try this soon!
    Kristina Brooke recently posted..If You Give a Kid an Abacus- Sheโ€™ll Want toย Count

  5. Mmm! I am so in the mood for pasta now thanks to you! So delicios looking! Yum. Thanks for sharing this awesome recipe.
    Rachel recently posted..17 Bean &amp Barley Soup &amp Salad

  6. This look so good and so easy! I wish I wasn’t a pasta person LOL. Carbs (in any form) are my weakness.
    Mariana @ The Domestic Buzz recently posted..Stuffed Squash Sabroso Saturday

  7. Ok I’m going to have to try this one it looks simple and yummy! And I think they are tired of the same stuff I’ve been cooking all the time. I think I’m making this one tonight!!
    jai recently posted..14 Men describe a romantic evening

  8. This looks so delish! I ended up going to the supermarket to buy the ingredients, lol. I love pasta, so easy to cook! Thanks for sharing. Hopefully mine will look as delish ๐Ÿ™‚
    Isolated Existence recently posted..Valentines Day Special Project

  9. i love pasta and this is a easy dish to make for the whole famly and it look soo yum i’ll give it a try

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