Planning For Our Thanksgiving Feast

Hey everyone. You know this is the very first year I have not one item for our Thanksgiving feast? Usually I have some of the Thanksgiving essentials weeks before but this year is different. I'm too busy.  I'm too tired. And I'm too "unscheduled" (is that even a word? lol) as of yet.  I haven't found the right balance of working, blogging and motherhood but I'm hopeful. I know I will soon find it. But right now it's time for me to get down and dirty and figure out what our … [Read more...]

What’s on your menu?

Just thinking about the menu for tomorrow's feast already has me comatose and sleepy.  I am also very excited at the same time.  This will be my first Thanksgiving cooking EVERYTHING. MYSELF.  I may get some help from my husband so I can't take ALL the credit.  I'll have him make the mashed potatoes and whatever else comes to mind. Right now, I have the Pumpkin Pie in the oven.  It smells so good in here.  I can't wait!  I was going to make it from scratch but I'm planning to make Caramel … [Read more...]