Excuse My Blog While I Get Things Fixed

As you can see, my blog has changed -- just a tad. I decided on buying a new theme because I was told my site was too slow to load and things didn't look so good. So I went ahead and bought the Headway Theme. Why did I choose Headway over Thesis (heard so much about this theme)? I saw that Headway was much easier to tweak and mess around with because of its point, click and drag option with a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) format. I'm not an HTML or CSS expert at all. I know … [Read more...]

Social Fiesta | The First Latina Party At BlogHer

This year I'm excited about BlogHer because it will be in New York City (Go New York!) which also means that I will finally be able to attend my very first blog conference. Since I started blogging two years ago, I have always wanted to attend a blogging conference to meet other bloggers, learn the ropes of blogging the "right" way (make some $$, gain traffic & learn how to social network) and of course, to get away for a couple of days. ;) BlogHer '10 is especially exciting for … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday ~ Face Painting

I think my daughter could get used to face painting. Makes me wonder, what's next, Tattoos? LOL Happy Wednesday! For more Wordless Wednesday, please visit Latinaonamission.com, ridingwithnohands.com and 5minutesformom.com. **Edited to add: I decided to join the blogosphere and place a Mister Linky so anyone can add their Wordless Wednesday Post here as well. This will be here every week there is a WW. Thank you!! … [Read more...]

My Frown is Now Upside Down!

Thanks to my dear friend, Mariana, whom I've only known for a short time but who is dear to my heart has took (almost) a full day (I can't tell you how appreciative I am of you for doing this) to fix a MAJOR problem on my site for me. Apparently, my site was hacked because I never updated my Wordpress account (don't ever let this happen people!) and my password was the same for 2 years (a huge no-no!).  It also messed up my Feedburner email updates so no one was getting my blog updates.  It … [Read more...]

Happy Blogaversary!

It's been a whole year already!  Someone sent me a comment about my blog anniversary.  I totally forgot it has been a year to the day. So, Happy Anniversary New York Chica.  It's been a fun year!! Here's to another fun year with all my new found bloggy friends!! Ok, back to the comment.  The reason why I didn't approve the comment is because it had something that was inappropriate for this blog.  I don't want to seem like a prude or anything but I do not approve anything that has any … [Read more...]

It’s that time again!

It's time to find another theme for my blog.  The header is just fine; I'm not bored with that look at all.  It's the overall look of the whole blog I'm tired of.  Does anyone get like that with their blogs?? You see, here's the thing - I get bored easily.  For some strange reason, I'm not bored with the hubby.....yet..LOL So, if anyone would like to help me, I would love it ;) Have a great weekend. … [Read more...]

Burn baby burn, burn…

Now that my blog has a new place on the web/Wordpress, my Feedburner has changed too.  So if you had a subscription to my blog before, you would need to update your email address again.  I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I guess things like this happen when the URL is changed, for some strange reason. My buddy Jai pointed out that my Feedburner wasn't working anymore so that is how I found out.  Thanks girl and thank goodness that is not the case now.  It is working just fine. So please … [Read more...]

So far,

it has been a big headache updating this blog.  The last layout had MAJOR glitches so I had to change the whole look.  I'm not sure I like this one but it'll work for now. ***Entrecard is no longer working on the other blog so feel free to drop those cards here :) Thanks to all! … [Read more...]

It’s coming along

So, what do you think about my new look?  Do you like it?  Is it too dark or is it OK? Please give me feedback. I would greatly appreciate it ;) I have been working on my blog for 2 days now and I am so exhausted.  I was hoping the blog would be ready today but I guess not.  I still have to figure out a way on how to add my previous posts from the old blog into this one.  If anyone knows how to do that, PLEASE let me know :)  My friend Jai at Mamistimeout is also updating her blog and she is … [Read more...]

Coming Soon!!

New York Chica will be sporting a new look!! As you can see my blog is under construction.  If you came by before and saw that the page was closed, it was because I know very little when it comes to computers and HTML.  I was on the phone for over an hour trying to fix my blog and hopefully in the next week my blog will be normal again.  I just need time to transfer all my posts, comments and "stuff". So be on the look out for a new and improved blog. In the meantime, go to … [Read more...]