Excuse My Blog While I Get Things Fixed

As you can see, my blog has changed — just a tad. I decided on buying a new theme because I was told my site was too slow to load and things didn’t look so good.

So I went ahead and bought the Headway Theme.

Why did I choose Headway over Thesis (heard so much about this theme)?

I saw that Headway was much easier to tweak and mess around with because of its point, click and drag option with a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) format.

I’m not an HTML or CSS expert at all. I know very little and when I say very little, I mean very little.  I’m lost when it comes to certain things so that’s why I search for tutorials online but even with tutorials, I get lost in “code”.

So I bought it thinking it would be easy as pie.  After doing my research online and on Youtube, I thought it was the right choice for my blog.


The visual editor does not respond the way I would like. I save it and reload the editor and guess what? My blog loooks worse than before.  There are things I removed that are still there and/or did not add before I saved.

So I’m on the look out for yet another theme that would go well with what I want and I don’t want thesis because it’s EVERYWHERE.

If you have any suggestions,I would really appreciate it. 😉

Photo credit: http://www.gtilley.co.uk/images/html.jpg


  1. I’m digging the new format, Lisa! I feel like I’m on a constant search for themes as well. Have you checked out Theme Forest?
    Jen recently posted..Barnes &amp Noble Rolls Out Mega Playroom Boutiques

  2. Hey Jen, No, I haven’t seen the forest theme. Must check it out. Thanks 🙂

  3. Thank you for sharing this. I was considering this theme for my new blog. I’m not a code expert either so I think I’ll save the $$ & stay w/ the Atahualpa free theme. 🙂