It’s that time again!

It’s time to find another theme for my blog.  The header is just fine; I’m not bored with that look at all.  It’s the overall look of the whole blog I’m tired of.  Does anyone get like that with their blogs??

You see, here’s the thing – I get bored easily.  For some strange reason, I’m not bored with the hubby…..yet..LOL

So, if anyone would like to help me, I would love it 😉

Have a great weekend.


  1. Oh, absolutely. I am kind of bored with my blog’s look too.

    I really like your header, though! I’d just change the background to match one of the colors in the header, I think everything else is lovely as it is.

  2. I get like that with all of my sites – too quickly for my own good! I do love your header though 🙂

  3. Think about getting a custom design. You might want to look around at few blogs that you like and note what characteristics about them that you like and admire so that you can offer some suggestiosn to the custom designer you’re working with. To me your design is cute as is, but there’s surely nothing wrong with wanting to upgrade!

  4. WOW I was just thinking this same thought this morning. I get bored easily!!!! And I love trying new layouts for blogs. I still havent found one that says “yep this is the one” or else I just like change.

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