Archives for March 2010

Ragu Event with Molly Ringwald & Marcela Valladolid

Last week I was invited to an event that was sponsored by Ragu® pasta sauce for their "Feed Your Kids Well - Recipe For A Good Start" campaign.  It was a private event that I was excited to be a part of because my family and I love Ragu® pasta sauce.  We use it for a lot of our meals and for each half cup of sauce is a whole serving of vegetables, which is perfect for two picky kids in our household. Upon arriving, I couldn't help but notice the smells that permeated the air. My daughter … [Read more...]

My Top 4 “Gotta Have It” List

Everyone has a "Gotta Have It" list, right? If not, you should definitely create one, especially if you're challenging yourself with Problogger's 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge (I know Mariana, I'm so behind!). This list is about some of my top products I can't live without. They honestly make my life easier. Over the years, I've tried a lot of products, it's not even funny.  From the generic brands from Walmart to the most expensive ones from Macy's.  My skin is very sensitive … [Read more...]

My youngest is 5 – Why am I still suffering from MAJOR Mommy Brain?

You would think that by the time your youngest (that is, if you have kids over 5 years old) is 4-5 years old, the mommy brain would go away. WRONG! I have been suffering from Mommy brain ever since I was 21!!!! In case you're wondering, I was almost 22 when I had my son and it hasn't gotten any better. In fact, it's getting worse and I'm getting worried. I'm worried because I don't want to get Alzheimer's when I'm an old lady.  I want to be able to remember the good times I had with the … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday – My Two Girls

I've had a busy week. My daughters birthdays are just days apart (11 yr. old is the 7th and 5 yr. old is today) from each other and I've been feeling overwhelmed lately.  Good thing my 11 year old was ok with not having a party this year (last year she had a huge party) so we are celebrating my 5 year old's birthday at good ol' Chuck E Cheese's with all of her friends from school. So happy birthday to my big girl and happy birthday to my little girl. Just know that you will always be … [Read more...]

Rethink What Matters With Bare Escentuals – Giveaway

Rethink What Matters is a campaign created by Bare Escentuals for women.  They're inviting women nationwide to shake up their foundation and talk about topics that are more than just skin-deep - from going bare in public to discussing what really matters most. On the site, you will find a quiz about different topics every week. The topic this week is called "Rethink What You're Investing In."   Ask yourself this - Do your assets need re-evaluating? Some of the … [Read more...]

Dove Chocolates & Wine – What Would Be Better?

Yesterday, iVillage sent me an invitation to spend an afternoon of indulgent moments.  It's a Dove Chocolates and Wine Tasting event that will be held at Chelsea Market on March 9th.  The invite was not only for me but also for any of my readers that would like to attend as well! Yes, that means YOU! You'll get to eat decadent Dove chocolates, drink some fine Gallo Wine, receive beauty and relaxation treatments, freebies and lots more. Are you in?  I hope so because I am! Here's the … [Read more...]

31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge – Day 2

Today's challenge is: Day 2: Make A List Post When it comes to blogging, I'm not much of a "list-poster".  I make lists (like shopping lists) but not all the time.  However, I've done a few list posts in the past but I only found one.  I had to look through my old blog archives to find it. It was a post that Jerry Springer inspired me to write.  I know, I know, that show is trash TV but believe me, I'm not the one that records it (hubby does). If it were up to me, I wouldn't see … [Read more...]

31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge – Day 1

I've been blogging off and on since 2006 but I've been consistent for the past two years and what a journey it has been. I never thought I would meet other bloggers or even go to events in my favorite city, New York City. When I first started out, it was meant to be "an online journal."  Something to keep me from going "insane." Staying home with kids is not an easy thing to do so writing brought me my sanity, so to speak. I still have my first blog up and running over at Blogspot.  If you … [Read more...]

PBS Kids – Super Why & Martha Speaks – DVD Reviews

PBS Kids is a very popular channel with my four year old daughter.  It's the one channel she is constantly watching. Yes, I know watching more than 2 hours of television is bad for a kid her age but if it's PBS, who cares, right? She's learning, having fun and singing along.  A lot of the times I find myself watching it along with her, especially the Super Why episodes.  Never heard of Super Why? Well, it's an animated series designed to help kids ages 3 to 6 gain the critical skills that they … [Read more...]

$100 Gift Card Winner to

Congratulations Carolyn!! You are New York Chica's newest winner! Please contact us within 48 hours!  An email has been sent to the email address that you provided. Thank you to everyone who entered.  Stay tuned for some great giveaways coming your way! … [Read more...]