The Good and The Bad of BlogHer ’10 – August 6-7

I can't believe it! I did it! I survived BlogHer '10. If you haven't heard what BlogHer is (who hasn't?), it's a blogging conference where women (& some dad bloggers too) gather together and share their views and opinions on anything and everything through their blogs.  They blog about parenting, cooking, places to see and eat, traveling -- basically anything you can think of, someone is blogging about it. The conference is an event that happens once a year since 2005 and it consists of … [Read more...]

The American Museum of Natural History Introduces Their New Explorer App

Yesterday I attended an event at the Museum of Natural History for their media preview to showcase their newest and latest creation - The Explorer App for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch. The app is amazing and if you have either of these devices; iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, you won't need the paper map and we can all help save some trees by not using the map. How's that for helping the planet? ;) Earlier this year, the museum launched its first iPhone app - Dinosaurs: The American Museum of … [Read more...]

Road Trip With The Family: Heading to Washington, D.C. VW Routan Style

Well folks, it's that time for families to start on their new ventures now that school is out! With that in mind, my family and I will be going on a small road trip to Pennsylvania and we're making two stops along the way: Lancaster & Philadelphia.  I have family in both cities (my Dad is also buried in Lancaster) so it's mainly to visit family and of course to get away for several days. Our last stop before heading back to New York will be Washington, D.C.  It will be the first time for … [Read more...]

Lopez Tonight With George Lopez

Are you a fan of George Lopez? Well if you are, then you’ll love his brand, new talk show on TBS called Lopez Tonight.  This show marks the first time a Latino will host a late night talk show, joining Arsenio Hall as an elite group of minorities to do so. Lopez Tonight premieres tonight, November 10, 2009 on TBS at 11/10c.  Tonight you will see "Desperate Housewives" actress Eva Longoria Parker, talk show host and "American Idol" judge Ellen DeGeneres, NBA all-star Kobe Bryant and rock … [Read more...]

I Didn’t Win but……

the best man won. George "Urban Jibaro" Torres! He won the award for New York's Best Latino Tweep at the Latism event awards ceremony in New York City. He deserved the award and the prize because he brings motivating & positive messages throughout his site Sofrito For Your Soul and of course, on Twitter. So if you want to be a part of his community, follow him on Twitter @urbanjibaro. … [Read more...]

Please Vote For Me at

A few days ago, @Carogonza (from Twitter) said congratulations on being nominated on,  I voted for you so I hope you win. At first I thought, Oh cool, someone added my name to win a cool Latism award. I had no idea what she was talking about until I saw it myself this morning.  I was nominated for one of the best NY Latino Tweeps. Can you believe it? I still can't believe it. I am in shock because I never even thought I would be nominated for ANYTHING in life!! Sounds crazy, … [Read more...]

Hackers, get a REAL job!

There is something wrong with Twitter so I had to remove it from my blog.  Apparently someone hacked into either my blog or my Twitter account.  Whenever I viewed my blog, a pop-up would come out and asked for my Twitter name and password.  If they think I'm gonna do that, they're crazy. Also when I try to update, it won't let me.  Crap! Stupid people! {Sorry for the rambling} … [Read more...]

One more day til FRIDAY!!

I am so glad it's almost Friday.  That means I don't have to wake up at 5AM for two whole days.  I know I said I'm a SAHM but I've been making my husband breakfast every morning to save some money. He was spending way too much money for breakfast in the city.  Almost $10 each day!  That is just crazy.  With the way this economy is going, every penny counts. Anyway, I wanted to mention I am on Twitter now.  Yay!!  It looks like fun so I said why not.  So if you click on the blue bird on the … [Read more...]