I've been told by my seven year old that I'm a "Fun Mom." I can't help but ask her if she thinks I'm fun when I send her to her room to clean it or when I tell her we can have breakfast for dinner. Needless to say, she disagrees with her own statement when I mention her room. I don't quite see myself as a "Fun Mom" as often as I should. I guess it's because I have too much on my mind, like say, REALITY -- bills, chores, cooking, cleaning -- all that good stuff us moms go through. The … [Read more...]
How Fun Are You? Keurig Wants to Know! | Plus, Enter To Win A Keurig Brewer! #YourPerfectCup
Starbuck’s Bistro Boxes Review
We definitely live in a world where everyone is in a hurry and every thing seems to be happening fast. And while living a fast-paced lifestyle, there are many unhealthy options when it comes to foods, such as fast food joints. The few healthy places to eat are limited and quite expensive. At Starbucks, they don't want to discourage a speedy lifestyle but help make it a more enjoyable experience with their brand new line of Bistro Boxes. They are healthy, delicious and did I mention they are … [Read more...]
I Think I Got Rid Of The Nasty Little Virus.
That's it. I've had it! I just finished spraying a half-can of Lysol in my whole house while the windows were opened to finally get rid of that nasty little virus that has been ruining our lives for the past 5 days. Just when I thought I was feeling better than BAM - it hit me again. The way I felt these past several days I would never wish that upon my worse enemy (not saying I do have enemies - don't even know, don't care). It was the worst feeling ever. Not being able to care for my … [Read more...]