My youngest is 5 – Why am I still suffering from MAJOR Mommy Brain?

You would think that by the time your youngest (that is, if you have kids over 5 years old) is 4-5 years old, the mommy brain would go away. WRONG! I have been suffering from Mommy brain ever since I was 21!!!! In case you're wondering, I was almost 22 when I had my son and it hasn't gotten any better. In fact, it's getting worse and I'm getting worried. I'm worried because I don't want to get Alzheimer's when I'm an old lady.  I want to be able to remember the good times I had with the … [Read more...]

The Things That Worry Me As A Mom.

Kodak (who claims, with some clever ads on my sidebar, that we can at least partially knock off our economic worry with a printer) and JuiceBoxJungle sponsored me to write this post, and they asked me to talk about the top and bottom3 things I think/worry about as a mom.   Where do I begin?  Since I'm a mom of 3 kids (2 girls ages 10 & 4, 1 boy age 13), there are many things that I think about.  I often ask myself, are my children happy? Will they hate me if I punish them?  Am I being … [Read more...]

My Son Loves Tabasco Sauce on Nearly Everything!

So, when he saw this commercial on television, he fell in love with Tabasco sauce all over again.  He had to add this spicy sauce to his rice & beans last night and I just had to post it here for all to see.  We all had a ball watching it and rewinding it a few times. Enjoy! **By the way, he has been in love with Tabasco Sauce (we call it piqúe here) since he was 3 years old.  I can't help that, both grandfathers used to love hot sauce. I guess he's got the flavor for hot & spicy … [Read more...]

Mom Of A Teenager

My son is 13 years old today. I can't believe this. It's official. I'm a mom of a teenager! I know I'm not that old but I sure do feel old.  I was 21 when I had him. I can still remember the day I found out I was pregnant.  I bought a pregnancy test at a pharmacy store on Central Ave. in Yonkers, NY.  My boyfriend (my husband now) and I decided to eat lunch at Nathan's not far away.  After we ate, I told him that I wanted to take the test.  He wanted me to wait until we got home.  … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday – Hudson River | Bowdoin Park

A few days ago, I took the kids out to the park to have a picnic. It wasn't a sunny day but it was a beautiful day. It wasn't hot, humid or sticky. The day was nice and cool; just the way I like it. … [Read more...]

Wanna improve your relationship?

Last Saturday, my sister, my girls and I were on the bus to go to her house after having a fabulous day in the city (post coming soon).  My sister pointed out a billboard that was up above the windows on the bus. When I first saw it, I thought it was just for married people. I didn't know it would be a site for so much more. If you want to improve your relationship with your other half, this site is perfect for the two of you. If you're a parent, dating someone, engaged, living … [Read more...]

Swine Flu Update.

Remember this post? It's the one I was complaining about a student that was kept private in the school district my kids go to. Well, I found out today that it was not one, not two but three students that were diagnosed with the Swine Flu AND they go to the same school as my son (my oldest) and my daughter (my youngest). I was shocked! They are from the same family.  The two older children go to the same school as my son and the youngest goes to the same nursery my daughter goes … [Read more...]

This is crazy!

Yesterday when I was reading the newspaper, something I read really shocked me. It said a student from the school district my children go to had the Swine Flu and has recovered. I said to myself, WHAT?  I couldn't believe my eyes so I read it again because I was completely shocked. Here's the shocker! The thing is we won't know which school this student goes to because they are not releasing the name of the school that he/she attends. Isn't that crazy?! I don't understand this at … [Read more...]

Ever heard of the Wedding Fairy?

I was sent an email containing the riddle below.  It's so true and funny at the same time. Enjoy! WEDDING FAIRY A married couple in their early 60 ' s were celebrating their 40th Wedding Anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant.... Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table. She said, "For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant you each … [Read more...]

Ready for a laugh?

My husband is addicted to watching Jerry Springer.  Everyone knows that crazy, wild show, right? Well,  since he is not here during the day, he records the show so he can watch it at night.  He usually watches it when the kids are in bed and I'm on the computer because sometimes those people on that show are just plain dumb, I can't bear to watch it.  Other times, I can't help but watch it because it is so damn interesting and entertaining too. This particular episode had us both laughing so … [Read more...]