Archives for January 2011

Shout-Out Sunday – 1/16/11

It's that time again.  Time for a Shout-Out Sunday post.  It's where I showcase posts written by bloggers from around the blogosphere.  I hope you enjoy this weeks picks. Tell me how you really feel... Is it time I stopped blogging? 3 kids, 3 countries within 3 years? Yikes! An interview with Tisha Campbell about encouraging women to focus on health. Is there such a thing as new beginnings? My mom is better than yours. Beware of the repeater. Remember, if there's a post you … [Read more...]

Easy Recipe: Twice-Baked Potato Bites (Sabroso Saturday)

I recently wrote about I Can't Believe It's Not Butter (ICBINB) and how healthy it is compared to regular butter and oils. Since then, I have cooked many meals with ICBINB and I love it. My family and I are hooked!  It's taste delicious, it's creamy and it's low in fat.   My favorite quick and easy recipe is to spread ICBINB onto warm toast and dash a little cinnamon on top with a cup of coffee and a piece of fruit like an apple or a pear. The combination pairs wonderfully for a fast and easy … [Read more...]

Special K Resolution Challenge: I Stepped on a Scale in Times Square!

Yes, I did. For once this wasn't your typical scale with numbers that tell you your weight -- instead it was a scale that showed each individual inspirational words or phrases.  Now if it were a "real" scale with numbers, then that would be a whole other story but it wasn't so bad stepping on a scale in front of people in Times Square.  It was quite liberating to be honest. The Special K Team was there to launch their "What will you gain when you lose" campaign to help women get inspired … [Read more...]

Easy Recipe: Puerto Rican-Styled Pepper Steak

Thank goodness the holidays are over and done with.  Aren't you glad? I'm so over Christmas, the tree, the lights, the food (well almost) and all the gifts.  All the hoopla is now gone from my system.  Now it's time to concentrate on something I haven't done in a few weeks and that is to post my succulent recipes. I know you all have been waiting. ;) Last night I made one of my family's favorite dish -- Puerto Rican-Styled Pepper Steak.  It's an easy recipe that I created with the help of my … [Read more...]

Am I The Only Latina Not Celebrating El Dia De Los Reyes (The Three Kings Day)?

Brief history on El Dia De Los Reyes (The Three Kings Day): The twelve days of Christmas end with the Feast of Epiphany also called "The Adoration of the Magi" or "The Manifestation of God." Celebrated on January 6, it is known as the day of the Three Kings (or wise men/magi): Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. According to an old legend based on a Bible story, these three kings saw, on the night when Christ was born, a bright star, followed it to Bethlehem and found there the Christ child … [Read more...]

Shout-Out Sunday – 1/2/11 {Happy New Year}

To read why Shout-Out Sunday was created, please click on this link to read all about it. HAPPY SUNDAY EVERYONE & HAPPY NEW YEAR! The best resolution is no resolutions. I agree with her - Say no to snow! What a way to bring in the new year. I like her concept - Rewind, Renew, Rebirth. What are your intentions for 2011? See how this single mom made it through 2010. Love this post but I love the photo more ;) Hope you enjoy these posts as much as I did! *If you … [Read more...]