Archives for December 2010

Shout-Out Sunday – 12/12

There’s a new trend here at New York Chica where I give a special Shout-Out to those bloggers who had a great post (at least I think so ) for the week. I wanted to show my readers that there are plenty of great writers/bloggers out in the blogosphere and giving props to fellow bloggers is a great way to give back to the blogging community. Since I started blogging in 2006 (2008 publicly), I’ve met so many good, sincere and accomplished bloggers like Niri and Kim who both … [Read more...]

Easy Recipe: Festive Snickerdoodle Cookie & Cocktail Recipe

Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices of all.  If it contains cinnamon, I'll try it.  I add cinnamon to almost anything with sugar. I add it to my coffee, pancake batter, teas, cornbread, cakes, ice cream and even hot chocolate.  The smell is divine and so is the color. You know my living room walls were painted a cinnamon color because the name of the color was, you guess it, cinnamon.  My husband says I'm obsessed but it's ok. I can live with that. At least its good for you. ;) I found … [Read more...]

Lysol’s New Online Resource: Mission For Health & $100 AmEx Gift Card Giveaway

As a mom of 3 children who attend 3 different schools, you can imagine the various amounts of germs that come into our home. I'm always on the look out for new products that kills germs on contact and kills airborne germs that causes colds, flus & viruses. Time and time again, I always fall back on Lysol Disinfecting Spray. Its known to kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria such as mold, mildew, odor causing bacteria and bacteria such as MRSA. Because I am diligent with using Lysol … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday – Mouth Opened Wide (linky)

This is a rare (only one created) doll that is hung up in the headquarters of Madame Alexander Doll Company. Isn't she a beauty? ;) Happy Wordless Wednesday! If you want to join in on the WW fun (would love it if you do ), please link up your post below. I would love to see your Wordless Wednesday photo! Thank you and have a great Hump Day!! For more great Wordless Wednesday Day picks, please visit The Domestic Buzz, Momspective, 5 Minutes For Mom & Latina on a mission. … [Read more...]

{Update} Thankful for Disney Social Media Moms Celebration in 2011 #DisneySMMoms

(This is an update from this post from last week.) After reading so many heartbreaking posts about not being chosen for the 2011 Disney Social Media Moms Celebration in Disney World and how Disney was not fair with the selection process,  I decided to continue my story. I was already mentally preparing myself for the news that lots of other bloggers were receiving so I decided not to check my emails so obsessively like I've been for the past 24 hours.  Reason being -- I had not received … [Read more...]

Easy Recipe: Bistec Encebollado (Steak & Onions)

I remember visiting my grandparents every weekend when I was a little girl.  I was always filled with excitement when I knew we were going over.  My grandparents were my parent the first 3 months of my life because my mother got very sick after she had me.  I guess you can say that is the reason why I had a special bond with them -- not because they are my grandparents. My abuelo (grandfather) was the chef of the house.  He would always create the tastiest meals ever.  Everyone would come … [Read more...]

Giveaway Winners

I owe my readers an apology because I took this long to post the winners of the giveaways that ended weeks ago.  It's been a chaotic past two weeks and I'm still behind but I will get those draft posts live as soon as I can. So without further ado, the winners of the giveaways are: OxyClean Prize Pack goes to BRENDA, Gift Card goes to STEPH and BOMBSHELL perfume goes to CHARITY S. Congratulations girls. Sorry for the delay in choosing the winners. Please check your inbox … [Read more...]

The Circle of Death That Made Me Want to Vomit (#DisneySMMoms)

Yesterday was a HUGE day in the blogosphere, especially if you've been following the #DisneySMMoms hashtag (Disney Social Media Moms) and are a Disney freak like I am.  For months, hundreds or maybe even thousands of mom bloggers have been waiting for yesterday, specifically the time of day --2pm EST.  We were ready with all of our information, personal and blog related, ready with our credit cards in hand and waiting to GET IN the conference of the year. Just in case you're not a blogger and … [Read more...]

Last Night, I Went to Jail….during a party.

Made you look! Just kidding. I'm talking about Twitter Jail. ;) If you unfamiliar with Twitter jail, let me explain.  It happens when you go over your allotted tweets for the hour or the day. For instance, the amount of tweets you're allowed are 100 tweets per hour/1,000 tweets per day.  If you go over those tweets, you can no longer tweet until an hour or so later.  During a Twitter party, that can really suck which is why I decided to create another Twitter handle. Last night was a … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday – The BEST Artwork (linky)

Happy Wordless Wednesday! If you want to join in on the WW fun (would love it if you do ;) ), please link up your post below. I would love to see your Wordless Wednesday photo! Thank you and have a great Hump Day!! … [Read more...]