Archives for July 2010

Clarins Foot Beauty Treatment Cream | Review

Summer is officially here! The air is warm, the sun is beaming bright  and the flowers have bloomed beautifully.  It's time to put away those sneakers and boots and get those dry, cracked heels in tip-top shape to sport those cool flip flops and nice looking sandals. I don't know about you but I've seen my share of ugly dry cracked heels. I could not wear my sandals if my heels looked like that - no  way! My husband wouldn't let me live the day either. He is the one to let me know if … [Read more...]

Shout-Out Sunday – 7/11 {late}

SHOUT-OUT SUNDAY I wanted to start a new trend here at New York Chica.  I want to give a special shout out to those bloggers (friends & beyond) that have had great reads during the past week.  I will try my best to get these out by Sunday night each week. I hope you enjoy their sites as much as I do. 1. Who said it was your child's job to make you happy? 2. This mama is surely proud of her baby on his first job! 3. Dreams do come true. 4. My friend needs YOUR vote! 5. What … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday – My Favorite Childhood TV Show {Linky}

This is by far one the best things I saw while in Washington, DC. The Smithsonian has it on display next to other icons like Fonzie's jacket, the original Kermit the Frog puppet and even Dorothy's ruby red slippers. These two chairs brought back so many memories. You see, my dad used to watch All in the Family every week and right along side him was me, watching it also. Now my kids watch it with my husband and I and we all laugh and have a good time. Makes me wish I could have just one … [Read more...]

How To Stay Cool During A Heat Wave With Food

Tomorrow New York is supposed to get hit with temperatures in the triple digits so we have to take precautions and try to stay in a cool place and keep the body well hydrated. We often think about what types of beverages are the best to drink when it's hot but did you know that there are foods that help cool the body down as well? 1. Watermelon - This fruit is number one for keeping your body cool.  It's like a bucket of water in a shell.  It's nature's natural coolant for your body and … [Read more...]

Look Out World, Here I come: New York Adventure Kit | Review

A few months ago, I was sent Look Out World, Here I Come: New York Adventure Kit for my 5 year old daughter. It wasn't until just a few weeks that we actually took a look at it and I'm so upset that we didn't see it sooner. Living in New York has made us appreciate the city even more now. If you're planning a getaway to the Big Apple and you have young children, this 36-page activity-filled, city-themed book is perfect. It also comes with a DVD so New York City comes alive right before … [Read more...]

Happy 4th Of July Everyone!

Just wanted to wish everyone a joyous day and to remember what the 4th of July really means - our independence, of course! ;) So, Enjoy the fireworks, Stay safe & Have fun. **I hope you all enjoy a few of our road trip photos. ;) … [Read more...]

VTech MobiGo Touch Learning System WINNER!!

I know I'm a few days late but my road trip has put me so behind on EVERYTHING. I'm hoping to get back to the swing of things by Tuesday. We'll see. So without further ado, I have the newest winner of the fabulous MobiGo. CONGRATULATIONS ANDREA!! Andrea (love your avatar!) is our lucky winner of the newest VTech MobiGo Touch Learning System!! Please email me your shipping information to Lisa [at] newyorkchica [dot] com within 48 hours to claim your prize! After 48 hours, I will be … [Read more...]