How To Stay Cool During A Heat Wave With Food

Tomorrow New York is supposed to get hit with temperatures in the triple digits so we have to take precautions and try to stay in a cool place and keep the body well hydrated.

We often think about what types of beverages are the best to drink when it’s hot but did you know that there are foods that help cool the body down as well?

1. Watermelon – This fruit is number one for keeping your body cool.  It’s like a bucket of water in a shell.  It’s nature’s natural coolant for your body and it’s delicious!

2. Any watery fruits – Grapes, Nectarines, peaches and apples.

3. Water-Dense Veggies – Cucumbers and tomatoes are the best ones to eat to stay cool.  Mix the two with lettuce to make a salad and/or add grilled chicken to make a quick and easy meal.

Don’t reach for ice cream – The high calories in high fat ice cream can actually make your body work harder resulting in your body heat to rise.

Stay Away from alcohol and caffeinated drinks.  It will make you dehydrated. Instead, drink herbal teas and sports drinks to replenish lost electrolytes.

“Eat light, eat fresh, eat water-filled foods, and you’ll be cool as a cucumber,” says Natural chef Andrea Beaman.

Article Credit: CBS-TV


  1. Great tips! I’ve been drinking water like a mad woman, lol. Too damn hot!

  2. Thanks for the tips. It’s 91 degrees right now but feels like 100 when you’re outside.


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