Archives for December 2009

Wondering What To Do On New Year’s Eve in NYC & The Tri-State Area?

I never have to wonder what I'll do for New Year's Eve because I am a homebody. I like to stay home where it's nice and warm and I can wear my pajamas all day long until I see the daylight the next day on New Year's Day.  If there is ever a party at one of my friend's house or one of my family member's house, then maybe I'll reconsider but til' then, I'll stay home watching the ball drop with a glass of champagne and my honey next to me like I do every year. I think those are the moments that … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday | The Good Ol’ Days

My parents & me. … [Read more...]

I’ll Admit It – I’m a Procrastinator!

I did something I wouldn't normally do but for some strange reason, I did. I ordered some Christmas items for my kids through and since I was going to receive two separate shipments I forgot about the second shipment that I am still waiting for. So, silly me, decided to check out and noticed they had the same item for the same price with free shipping. I thought, cool, I'll order that today and it'll get here by Christmas. So, I made my order and received … [Read more...]

Disney’s Wizards of Waverly Place The Movie: Extended Edition

My daughter and I recently had the opportunity to see Disney's Wizard's of Waverly Place: The Movie, Extended Edition on DVD this past weekend. It wasn't the first time she saw the movie but she was glued to the TV like it was the first time. The DVD is not out until tomorrow so my daughter was highly excited that she was one of the first few to check out the extended version of her favorite show. We love Wizards of Waverly Place on the Disney channel because we love witches, spells and … [Read more...]

KIDO’Z – Safe, Easy, Fun Internet for Kids – Review & Giveaway For 5 Readers

EXTENDED GIVEAWAY DATE!!!!!!! Since I'm a mom of three young children, I often wonder what my kids could encounter when they're on the internet.  There's so many sites they can view without you knowing so sometimes the internet can be scary for both child and parent. I was excited when the CEO and Founder of KIDO'Z contacted me to check out their brand new version of KIDO'Z with some major cool upgrades.  It's geared towards children ages 2-8 so this makes it perfect for my 4 year … [Read more...]

The Winner of the Keurig Elite Brewer & Prize Pack is…

Since I had three different posts for this giveaway (caused by a nasty comment glitch), I had to use my math skills to add a few numbers to get to #369 (such a HUGE pain in the butt!). Here is the "problem": The first "official" post had 356 comments & since the post had a "comment glitch" (no other comments could be recorded for some strange reason), I had to re-post the giveaway on a brand new post. … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday | A Few of My Favorite Ornaments

Each of the above ornaments has a special place in my heart. Every year I buy a new ornament to represent either a year or a happy event that has happened to our family. The house ornament is one of my favorite because it represents our first house purchased in 2001. Do you have a favorite ornament you'd like to share? I would love to see it! :) … [Read more...]

Disney’s Handy Manny Motorcycle Adventure

When the Disney Channel first aired Handy Manny, my kids and I were curious to see what it was all about.  I don't often speak Spanish around them which I know isn't good for them but I grew up in a household where English was the number one language.  I guess I got used to it. Handy Manny is a bi-lingual show about a Hispanic handyman and his animated, talking tools.  The show teaches young children the beginnings of Spanish and the importance of cultural diversity.  Learning Spanish while … [Read more...]

Santa Buddies: The Legend Of Santa Paws & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Choo-Choo Express | Review

Every year during the holidays, I like to play Christmas music and watch holiday themed-movies to get into the spirit.  I want to spread the tradition to my children so they are the same way, especially my four year old.  During the past two weeks, she’s seen the same two movies almost daily. I think I know every line and so does she. The first one is Santa Buddies.  Both of my daughters really enjoyed this one because they love dogs and of course, Christmas.  It’s about a dog named Puppy … [Read more...]

The Winner of the Hansel & Gretel tickets is…

Congratulations Eliza!! You won two tickets to see Hansel & Gretel at the MET Opera on Decemebr 17th for the 8pm show!  I hope you enjoy the show, it's going to be great. You have 24 hours to contact me or another winner will be chosen. Everyone, thanks for entering and stay tuned for more giveaways!! … [Read more...]