Archives for June 2009

My Linky Love for the week.

I've been seeing this at Hissip, my favorite Latina gossip site and she does this every week.  So I decided it was time to do it here and represent some of the sites I love. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ This would make everyone put a smile on their face! How about having a lock and key for the GoldCity? Who says loving your husband isn't cool? This mom begs to differ! I knew people were going to have a hard time with Entrecard as soon as they started those darn paid … [Read more...]

Just one of those days…

Well, I have to say it's just one of those days.  My week hasn't been the best week because of me not feeling well and it won't be a great weekend either. I was super excited about the Big Apple BBQ Block Party happening today and tomorrow but my vehicle decided to tell me otherwise.  I'm having car trouble so that leaves me to stay home, which isn't a bad thing but I really wanted to eat some BBQ ribs, chicken, pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, drink some beer and interact with people. I … [Read more...]

Friday Fill-Ins

I decided to do one of these while I was reading Isolated Existence (which is a great blog),  so I thought I should do one too. So here are mine: 1. I grew up thinking  I was fat because I have thick thighs. 2. Twitter was the last website I was at before coming here. 3. Why don't you sign up for Swagbucks? It's awesome! 4. Coffee helps me relax. 5. Thanks for the visit, I really appreciate it.. 6.Laundry sometimes can become very off-putting. 7. And as for the … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday – The Ants Go Marching…

While I was picking up my kids mess in the bathroom, I spotted an ant. I grabbed a book that my daughter left on the floor and this is what I grabbed to kill the little bastard. How funny! I absolutely did not know that book was in the bathroom. I guess since we've been finding ants in the house, my daughter decided to leave this book in the bathroom and read it while she handles business. For more Wordless Wednesday and to participate, go to Momspective for great photos & 5 … [Read more...]

Wanna improve your relationship?

Last Saturday, my sister, my girls and I were on the bus to go to her house after having a fabulous day in the city (post coming soon).  My sister pointed out a billboard that was up above the windows on the bus. When I first saw it, I thought it was just for married people. I didn't know it would be a site for so much more. If you want to improve your relationship with your other half, this site is perfect for the two of you. If you're a parent, dating someone, engaged, living … [Read more...]

Drumroll, please!

Over 100 comments for the EA Sports Active Personal trainer and finally we have a winner!Congratulations Tanya W.!  You are the winner of our EA Sports Active Personal Trainer for the Wii. Please check your email with details.   You have 24 hours to claim your prize or I will have to choose another winner. Thank you everyone for entering this great giveaway. Stay tuned for more giveaways in the near future. … [Read more...]

I always get burned!

When it comes to cooking, most of the time I get burned.  Since I'm trying to do so many things at once,  sometimes I forget that the pots are hot. Oh and don't get me started on breaking fights/arguments, telling my kids to keep it down or even hearing my 4 year old cry about something.  I'm lucky to have dinner in less than an hour most days. Yesterday when I was cooking dinner, my daughter started talking to me about school, which isn't an unusual thing.   She loves to talk about school … [Read more...]

Swine Flu Update.

Remember this post? It's the one I was complaining about a student that was kept private in the school district my kids go to. Well, I found out today that it was not one, not two but three students that were diagnosed with the Swine Flu AND they go to the same school as my son (my oldest) and my daughter (my youngest). I was shocked! They are from the same family.  The two older children go to the same school as my son and the youngest goes to the same nursery my daughter goes … [Read more...]

EA SPORTS Active – Day 4

Thank goodness yesterday was my rest day because my lower body was SCREAMING with soreness.  I couldn't believe how sore I was.  Every time I would sit down, I could feel my leg muscles burning.  It was uncomfortable but well worth it.  I can't wait until my body is lean and toned. I am so happy I was given the opportunity to try this out to see for myself if it can actually melt off the fat and tone your body. People, it actually works!  I can tell already with just 3 workouts! Since I … [Read more...]

This is crazy!

Yesterday when I was reading the newspaper, something I read really shocked me. It said a student from the school district my children go to had the Swine Flu and has recovered. I said to myself, WHAT?  I couldn't believe my eyes so I read it again because I was completely shocked. Here's the shocker! The thing is we won't know which school this student goes to because they are not releasing the name of the school that he/she attends. Isn't that crazy?! I don't understand this at … [Read more...]