My Linky Love for the week.

I’ve been seeing this at Hissip, my favorite Latina gossip site and she does this every week.  So I decided it was time to do it here and represent some of the sites I love.


This would make everyone put a smile on their face!

How about having a lock and key for the GoldCity?

Who says loving your husband isn’t cool? This mom begs to differ!

I knew people were going to have a hard time with Entrecard as soon as they started those darn paid ads.

Just looking at this cat makes me want to have one.

Check out the real-life Tinkerbell! Too cute!

I have a confession… It’s been a week since my last EA Sports Active workout. Gotta get back to it again!!

Can I just hide in your purse while you go on your adventures?

This Mami can definitely dress you from head to toe for less then $100!!

I love fast food and seeing this makes me want to make that special dessert just for my husband on Father’s Day!!


  1. That’s a neat idea! Thank you so much for the linky amor. Hope you are enjoying your day 😉

  2. What a great idea for links!!! I love this and will have to do it.

    Secondly, I am so honored that you linked to little ol’ ME!!! Isn’t my Livvy a darling?!

    Thanks for the linky love, and especially thanks for visiting my blog. 😀

  3. Thanks for the link love! That’s a neat way to do link love! 🙂

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