Archives for February 2009

She works hard for the money!

Since my daughter got a pre-paid cell phone for Christmas, that is all she talks about.  She is also always "texting" her friends.  So we agreed that if she wanted to add more minutes to her phone, she's gonna have to do extra chores around the house.  We didn't agree how much she would get but I did mention if she did anything extra without me telling her, then she'll get a bigger reward. I went out to the supermarket to get a few things and when I got back, the kitchen sink was empty.  I … [Read more...]

I *heart* today!

How about some Red Chocolate Hearts for Valentine's Day? I would love some.  I love chocolate.  Everyone does, right? hint, hint! LOL. This one's for you Babe! =) HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!!!!!! I hope you enjoy your day with your loved ones! … [Read more...]

Movie Time!

Every time I see a movie that I love, I always think of blogging about it but I tend to forget.  One movie that I saw recently made me cry like a baby.  I felt so sad.  It made me appreciate my husband even more because he does so much for our family and he really shows us lots of love (Love you Babe).  This movie also made me believe that life is too damn short to sweat about all the small stuff that happens day to day. The movie is called "What Dreams May Come", starring Robin Williams, … [Read more...]

Girl Drama.

I have a dilemma.  I have a 4 bedroom house, which is nice for a family of five but there's one bad thing about the 4th bedroom.  The bad thing is that you have to enter the 3rd. bedroom to get into the last bedroom (as you can see in the picture), which is the master bedroom. Before I had my 3 daughter Nessa (her nickname), it wasn't a major problem because it was used as a den/computer room. Now that my little princess is here, it's her bedroom.  She's turning 4 in March and I think she's … [Read more...]

Do you like the song “Single Ladies” by Beyonce?

Beyonce Knowles Single Ladies Lyrics If you do, then you'll enjoy a very entertaining clip from the Rachael Ray show (my fave show). I have to be honest though; when I first heard that song, I didn't like it at all.  Every time I heard it on the radio, I would always switch it to another station.  I really thought it was a dumb song. "If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it".  Before I thought that verse was ridiculous but now I like it and I think it's funny.  It's not her … [Read more...]

The city that never sleeps.

The City That Never Sleeps is now called the most expensive city in the US.  Isn't that crazy?  They say you need to have a six digit income to make middle-class.  I couldn't believe it.  We definitely don't have that kind of income in my house.  I guess we're not considered middle-class anymore.  We're more like poor! Check out the full article and see for yourself. … [Read more...]

After a few days….

of being MIA, I am back. Hopefully. I've been so busy with my resume and job hunting.  It sucks big time.  I know this is not a good time to look for a job but I've been looking for the past 3 months.  I'm hoping to find something that is good paying and something with excellent hours (I know, wishful thinking).  I rather work at home but I'm having no luck in finding something that I can do at home, especially without paying some sort of fee. So, if someone knows of a work at home … [Read more...]

I just love getting these!!

Awards!!  I feel so special whenever someone gives me one.  I have no idea why I feel so giddy inside.  Wanda from 1 Blog 2 Sides gave me the Marie Antoinette Award.  Thank you so much for thinking of my blog.  I really love it and she's cute too.  That was so sweet of you Wanda. ;) So, with awards comes rules so here they are: 1. Please put the logo on your blog. 2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award. 3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs. 4. Put links of those … [Read more...]

I hate it when…

I buy something, forget about it and and then it goes bad. Like on Friday, I bought ground chicken to make Rachael Ray's Buffalo Meatballs (they're so good) for the Superbowl.  I wanted to make them on Saturday so I wouldn't have to make them on Sunday. On Saturday night, my daughter asks me if I was still making the meatballs, I told her I'll make it on Sunday since I made Chili in the crockpot today (Saturday).  She says ok. Sunday comes along and I am exhausted.  Why? Because my 3 … [Read more...]

Whatever you do, please don’t forget to wash your hands!

A friend of mine sent me this video thru an email and after I saw it, I was disgusted.  People, please wash your hands and if you eat pork, make sure it is cooked well.  You don't want to get sick like this person did on the news. Enjoy the video! … [Read more...]