Do you like the song “Single Ladies” by Beyonce?

If you do, then you’ll enjoy a very entertaining clip from the Rachael Ray show (my fave show).

I have to be honest though; when I first heard that song, I didn’t like it at all.  Every time I heard it on the radio, I would always switch it to another station.  I really thought it was a dumb song.

“If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it”.  Before I thought that verse was ridiculous but now I like it and I think it’s funny.  It’s not her greatest song but there are lots of people that love it.

Also, since my 3 year old daughter loves the song and loves to dance to it every time she hears, I love it even more.  It’s got a nice beat to it too.

If you want to see the clip, click here to see the Single Ladies Dance Off.  You won’t be sorry. 😉


  1. Happy Valentine!

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