Archives for November 2008

Sunday Funnies

Today is "bumming out" day for all of us at home so I've got my favorite funny cartoon here to brighten up your day.  Hope you enjoy! … [Read more...]

Products you’ve got to try!

I haven't reviewed any products in awhile so I thought it would be a good idea to do that now.  I still use these products religiously but I also found some new stuff that I can't live without. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Cream Deep Moisture Creamy Formula - This is perfect for people who have severely dry skin caused by constant washing & cold weather.  It lasts thru several washes and keeps your skin feeling and looking really soft.  It is less than $4.  By the way, I know it's hard to … [Read more...]

More Black Friday Deals, Pt. 2!

Happy Friday everyone!! Just wanted to keep you posted on those B.F. deals.  So in addition to this post, I have more Black Friday deals to show you.  If you're planning on shopping on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving), remember to print out your list.  You don't want to forget ANY special deals! Best Buy Radio Shack Sports Authority … [Read more...]

A great sale and something for FREE!

Everyone loves free stuff, right?  I know I do.  I also love Oprah Winfrey.  I DVR her show every day and my favorite shows are about decluttering and how to stay looking young.  Yesterday's show was awesome.  Organization expert Peter Walsh and his clutter crew was in New York to look for some messy houses.  He found some apartments in Harlem that desperately needed some organizing. I wish he would come to my house because my closets are full of things I never use. Anyway, the great sale is … [Read more...]

Black Friday is almost here! Are you ready?

Well, the time is near.  Thanksgiving is almost here and that means Black Friday shopping for many of us.  I don't usually go shopping on Black Friday but I have many times.  Let me tell you, if you haven't gone shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving, then you are definitely missing out on some crazy shopping!  Everyone is in a great mood BUT it can get intense because everyone wants the best deal they can get.   First of all, you need comfortable shoes and clothes because you are going to … [Read more...]

I’ve been tagged!

Yay!! I love getting tagged. It gives me something to do on my blog that requires little thinking.. I know, I know, that is totally pathetic but sometimes I've got too much on my mind - So much that I can't even remember how to write a complete sentence. Thank you Jai for tagging me to answer a "One Word Wonders Meme." Here it goes: 1. Clothes: I love comfort - Jeans, sneakers and a comfy shirt.2. Furniture: Modern and comtemporary 3. Sweet: Chocolate all the way! 4. City:  The Bronx; … [Read more...]

Question of the week: Black or White?

A few days after the election, I noticed the way some people are reacting to our new President-Elect Barack Obama.  People are either very happy or they are very upset. So of course my 12 year old son noticed it too because he brought up a question I just can't answer a simple yes or no.  All I had to say was I really don't know.  So my husband thought it would be a good idea to find out what my fellow bloggers thought about the question too. Question: If Barack Obama was a blue eyed, … [Read more...]

I am so honored.

Chilly awarded me the "Superior Scribbler Award".  Thanks so much for the award.  I always feel extra special when I receive an award.  Am I the only dork in the WWW? LOL Anyway, with awards comes rules so here they are: So the rules every Superior Scribbler will name 5 other Super Scribblers. If you are named you must link to the author & the name of the blog that gave you the award. Then you must display the adorable award and link to This Post, which explains The Award. Finally you … [Read more...]

Trying new things..

I'm trying out different themes to figure out which one I like.  I'm really hoping the next layout will be something that I love for awhile.  We shall see! … [Read more...]

Thursday Thirteen – Daylight Savings Time

When I think of Daylight Savings Time, I think about more sleep or less sleep.  What can I say, I love my sleep.  But since that awful day of DST, I have been a mess.  Whoever said DST means you get an hour more of sleep was totally wrong because they don't have any children.  Here are the top 10 reasons why I despise DST and the top 3 reasons why I love it: My 3 year old thinks it 7AM when indeed it is 6AM on the WEEKENDS!! I am extremely sleepy and tired at 8PM. I'm up at 4AM … [Read more...]