I am so honored.

Chilly awarded me the “Superior Scribbler Award”.  Thanks so much for the award.  I always feel extra special when I receive an award.  Am I the only dork in the WWW? LOL

Anyway, with awards comes rules so here they are:

So the rules every Superior Scribbler will name 5 other Super Scribblers. If you are named you must link to the author & the name of the blog that gave you the award. Then you must display the adorable award and link to This Post, which explains The Award. Finally you must visit This Post and tell your name to Mr. Linky List. Then they will have a record of all the people who are Super Scribblers!

Now it’s my turn to pick some of my blogger friends. Like I said before, I have tons of blogs that I love and read often so I’ll pick a random five.

Mami’s Time Out
Isolated Existence
Glamorous Housewife
Blogging More


  1. thank you so much : ) i havent received this award yet!

    And BTW I love the new look!

  2. I was about to write my commentary, and then I saw Hissip on your list of favorite blogs. I’m beyond flattered! Congratulations NYchica. ‘Preciate it.

  3. My second award, yay. Thank you so much, Chica 🙂 I second I love the new look. I have been thinking about changing mine but I’m feeling blah so who knows when I’ll do it…

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