Thursday Thirteen – Daylight Savings Time

When I think of Daylight Savings Time, I think about more sleep or less sleep.  What can I say, I love my sleep.  But since that awful day of DST, I have been a mess.  Whoever said DST means you get an hour more of sleep was totally wrong because they don’t have any children.  Here are the top 10 reasons why I despise DST and the top 3 reasons why I love it:

  • My 3 year old thinks it 7AM when indeed it is 6AM on the WEEKENDS!!
  • I am extremely sleepy and tired at 8PM.
  • I’m up at 4AM everyday and can’t go back to sleep until 15 minutes before my husband’s alarm rings at 5AM.
  • It gets dark at 4:45PM. WTH?  It makes me want to go to my bedroom and hibernate.
  • I am exhausted ALL DAY.
  • All my kids are up at 6 AM but the older two know better then to bother me on a weekend.
  • I crave coffee all day long.  It was not like that before DST.
  • It gets depressing with so much darkness.  Imagine Alaska, where they have darkness for like 5-6 months? That is crazy!
  • Sometimes Hubby’s in a bad mood when he gets home.  When he leaves, it’s dark.  When he gets home, it’s dark.  I think I would be too.
  • I get in a bad mood b/c he’s in one.. Go figure!!
  • Now for the good reasons: Kids start getting tired at 7:30pm..No more fighting about bedtime!!
  • My 3 year old says she wants to go to bed at 7:30PM. YIPPEE!!
  • Last one, hubby and I get alone time to watch whatever show on TV.. Ahhhhh, the TV to ourselves and we don’t have to fight about a movie that contains sex scenes..LOL


  1. I prefer this time, because it is the ‘correct’ time and I’m all about having things be correct, lol.

    But really, if they would just stop changing the darn clocks, I would live with the ‘wrong’ time, but just leave the clocks alone, it’s ridiculous, really.

    What I hate about DST in the summer, is that it doesn’t get dark til 10pm, like I need my kids up that late, lol 😉

    Bella 🙂

  2. I love the time change! The only thing is after a while you start not feeling that ‘extra hour’ anymore. And come April, when the time is set forward again, it’s such a bummer.

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