Hey everyone! Did you know that Johnson's Baby Brand have been providing comfort and care for babies through their products for over 100 years? Yes, folks 100 years! You can't say that about a lot of products. I'm happy to say that I've been a Johnson's customer for YEARS! Not only did I grow up with Johnson's Baby Lotion and baby powder but I've used those same products and more on all of my three children. My youngest is 9 years old and I still buy Johnson's Baby Shampoo so I don't … [Read more...]
A Thousand Years Younger.
December 16, 2012 by 6 Comments
Today's my birthday. I'm a thousand years younger - according to my 7 year old. It's actually something she said when I came home last Thursday from getting my hair highlighted, cut and straighten. As soon as I got home, she shouted, "Mommy, you look a thousand years younger"! I thought that was so cute. My kids rarely see me with my hair straighten. Honestly, I rarely get my hair done professionally. The last time I went to a salon was over a year ago. After I get my hair done, I vow … [Read more...]