You’re heard of this saying: out of sight, out of mind — right? That quote says it all about my blogging life as well as my home life. As you may know, I started working full time three months ago. The first month was extremely hectic for me. I was not used to being in an office for eight hours a day AND not being home when the kids arrived from school. I was exhausted. I got sick for three weeks with bronchitis and a nasty cough that would linger all day long. The laundry accumulated. The house was a wreck. The kids told their father I was mean (I couldn’t help it — I was so tired).
Basically I was one hot mess!
The second month was ok. I got the hang of waking up at 6AM to get ready and send my youngest to the babysitter’s and off to work I went. The ride isn’t too bad either — only a 20 minute drive. People at the job are pretty nice. Things were going well until my mom went into the hospital for issues with her kidneys, liver and diabetes.
The day she went into the hospital, I got off of work early and the following week, I had to call out because of an accident she had where she fell in the hospital room and hit her head really bad. I was a complete wreck!
I really thought I was going to lose my mother. I couldn’t focus at work. I was upset that after 3 months of working, I still needed another month to complete probation. Which meant I couldn’t take another day off without my supervisor reminding that I was still on probation. :/
Thank God she is now home recovering. She was in the hospital for a month and a half. I’m hoping and praying she gets well. Only time will tell.
Now that she’s getting better, it doesn’t feel too bad waiting for that last month to get out of probation. I feel like I’m in prison! lol
Mornings could be better. My six year is a diva in the making so she takes forever to get ready. At times she wants to be independent and get ready all by herself and other times she wants me to dress her like a baby. I don’t get her. But then again, she’s a girl and girls can get pretty unpredictable.
So that is why I’ve been neglecting my baby, my blog. Most of the time it’s out of sight and that leads to out of my mind.
Oy, Lisa. I am so sorry to hear about your illness and your mother. Please take care of yourself!
This is such a timely article as I switched from contractor to staff position this month and found myself short with my husband and the kids too. It is hard — and I work from home! Like I often tell people, I don’t know anywhere else in the world where mothers are juggling so much and just to scrape by. Cut yourself some slack. 🙂
Elisa, your comment meant so much to me. Thank you for your kind words. it’s never easy but in a blink of an eye, the kids will be adults — from what I’ve heard from older parents. Have a great Sunday!!
Good-luck with everything, speaking for the NY crowd, the mom bloggers miss you! And I include me!
Mitch recently posted..I Love Target! Check This Out re Their Health & Well-Being Products!
Awww Mitch. You’re gonna make me cry!! I miss all of my fave mom bloggers too including YOU!! MUAH!! Thanks so much! 😉
So sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she’s doing better. Sending get well thoughts your way.
Hope this month goes by fast for you so you don’t have to worry about being on probation anymore. Cojelo suave…:-)
Isolated Existence recently posted..Target Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 DVD Event!
Aww Lisa, I feel your pain girl. It’s not easy, especially when family is not doing so well. It takes a lot but I know you can do it! You are a great mom, wife, daughter and friend. All the best to you! XOXO
Rachel recently posted..Bertolli Weeknight Challenge: Making Weeknight Dinners Special In Under 30 Minutes #BertolliMealSoup
😉 Thank you so much Raquel for your thoughtful words. “I think I can” is my new motto. Hoping things will work out with everything — first , my mom’s health. XOXO
Also, I send you well wishes for your mami too. I hope she gets better soon! XO
Sounds like you had a rough go of it for awhile. I’m sure if you had your choice, you would rather be at home and not having to work.
We’re all cheering for you! Congrats on the new job, and I’m glad your mom is home now!!
I’m so glad your Mom is out of the hospital Lisa and that you are getting into the groove of things! Allthough I miss seeing you, I know family obligations come first so take care of you and your family. We’ll be right here when you come back! *Abrazos*
Migdalia – @MsLatina recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Have You Seen This Man?
Oh Mig, I’ve missed you too girl. It’s not the same but at least I’m pitching in with the bills. 🙂 Whens the next event? 🙂