Archives for March 2009

Thirteen things about me.

I've always lived in New York but I get tired of NY in the Winter.  I yearn for warm weather. I love hot coffee.  Especially the way it smells.  I dislike iced coffee.  It just tastes weird to me. I wish I had a good paying job and a job that makes me happy. My favorite date night is dinner and a movie.  It's a classic and never boring. I haven't had my hair cut in over a year.  I guess I leave "me" for last. I don't have many friends but the friends I do have are like family to me.  … [Read more...]

WW – I am so tired of this!

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Wondering what your favorite childhood star looks like now?

Well, you don't have to wonder anymore.  Click here to see them. Did you have a famous crush? I did.  I had a few..LOL. A few of my crushes were Kirk Cameron from Growing pains (when I was like 12 years old), Mike Brady from the Brady Bunch (Yes, the dad) & Ralph Macchio from The Karate Kid. Now that I'm older, I'm like, what was I thinking? Except for Mike Brady.  He was fine! =) … [Read more...]

It’s just Tuesday?

Believe it or not, I am still exhausted.  In my opinion, Daylight Saving Time (DST) SUCKS! It takes me about two weeks to get back to normal. I can't wait until I feel my old self again.  I'm telling you, losing that one hour is like losing everything. Why is that? I wish someone would make a pill to fix the "blah" feeling after we go through DST. Am I the only one that feels this way?  Who's with me? Do you have any problems feeling yourself after DST? Please let me know. … [Read more...]

Just in case you didn’t know..

What a crappy day it has been! I've been exhausted all day long.  My husband has been feeling the same way too. For some reason, losing that "extra" hour is like losing your strength, in my opinion.  Yea, it's nice that you get more daylight throughout the day but you feel like sh*t too. As I was browsing thru the web, I found some interesting facts about Daylight Saving Time. I learned that the incorrect way to say it is, "Daylight Savings Time".  I never knew that.  There is no "s" … [Read more...]

Why I haven’t been blogging much…

Reason 1: Bathroom was updated and painted by hubby (I helped a little) and lots of household things were done this week. Reason 2: My 3 year old started nursery school this week.  Where is my baby??? Reason 3: My 10 year daughter (she'll be 10 tomorrow) is having her birthday party is tomorrow. Reason 4: I've been running around like a chicken without a head getting the party bags ready and cupcake supplies together. Reason 5: I need my thyroid tested again (I have Hyperthyroidism) … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday – Odd house in the BX.

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Ever seen the weirdest things found at customs?

Despite all the security because of September 11th, there are still people trying to smuggle some weird things through security in New York and New Jersey airports - From diamonds, to birds and yes, even drugs (of course). Click here to see some of the oddest things found at the airports. It's quite amazing. … [Read more...]