Thirteen things about me.

  1. I’ve always lived in New York but I get tired of NY in the Winter.  I yearn for warm weather.
  2. I love hot coffee.  Especially the way it smells.  I dislike iced coffee.  It just tastes weird to me.
  3. I wish I had a good paying job and a job that makes me happy.
  4. My favorite date night is dinner and a movie.  It’s a classic and never boring.
  5. I haven’t had my hair cut in over a year.  I guess I leave “me” for last.
  6. I don’t have many friends but the friends I do have are like family to me.  In my opinion, less is more.
  7. I have never worn stilettos and I don’t think I could walk in them if I tried. LOL
  8. I rather eat rice than pasta any day.
  9. I’ve been with my hubby since I was 16 (1990). (Well, almost 16; I was 3 months away from turning 16 ) I know it’s a long time but it really doesn’t feel that long.  I guess I got lucky
  10. I love seafood (except lobster)  but I HATE the way it smells.
  11. My favorite colors are pink, brown, blue, black and red.
  12. I am a coupon queen.  I am always on the look out for coupons.  I hate when they expire too.
  13. I try to buy everything on sale.  My kids know that if they ask for something while at the grocery store, it MUST be on sale.  Otherwise, forget about it!


  1. That’s crazy me and hubby have been together since I was almost 16 too! It was about a week from turning 16. 🙂 It doesn’t feel that long for me either….most days! lol!

    I hope you find a job soon I’m crossing my fingers for you! Definitely check out the temp agencies or at least try to contact some to see what they have available. You don’t have to go in right away. At least not where I live. I can call and send them my resume through email and wait for them to contact me with any openings.

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