Why I haven’t been blogging much…

Reason 1: Bathroom was updated and painted by hubby (I helped a little) and lots of household things were done this week. Reason 2: My 3 year old started nursery school this week.  Where is my baby??? Reason 3: My 10 year daughter (she'll be 10 tomorrow) is having her birthday party is tomorrow. Reason 4: I've been running around like a chicken without a head getting the party bags ready and cupcake supplies together. Reason 5: I need my thyroid tested again (I have Hyperthyroidism) … [Read more...]

Random Thursday Thirteen

I've been reading blogs and organizing my desk all day.  So while I was reading my favorite blogs, I noticed that many people have a "Thursday Thirteen" on their blog.  So I thought, why not add that to mine too.  So here it is: I'm not feeling good today.  I have back pain. I wish I had a maid to do my laundry. My son had a half a day today so I made him do some chores. The Rachael Ray show that I was in (yesterday's show), didn't record on my DVR. I'm really upset because of it.  I … [Read more...]