Why I haven’t been blogging much…

Reason 1: Bathroom was updated and painted by hubby (I helped a little) and lots of household things were done this week.

Reason 2: My 3 year old started nursery school this week.  Where is my baby???

Reason 3: My 10 year daughter (she’ll be 10 tomorrow) is having her birthday party is tomorrow.

Reason 4: I’ve been running around like a chicken without a head getting the party bags ready and cupcake supplies together.

Reason 5: I need my thyroid tested again (I have Hyperthyroidism) because I’ve been feeling drained even though I take my vitamins everyday.  So that leaves my brain “blank for blogging”.

Reason 6: I’m having a great time reading all of the blogs I “meet” thru Entrecard.

There’s more but I’ll stop now.  I’m going to watch Hell’s Kitchen with the family. Have a great weekend people!

*Stay tuned for another giveaway!!!


  1. Yay! You are so busy. I wonder How you can manage to do all of those things. Happy birthday to your daughter.

  2. Sounds like a TON of good reasons not to blog but hopefully you are able to start again once all those things are done. Also Happy Birthday to your daughter.

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