Are you ready for Black Friday shopping? Read these Holiday Shopping & Black Friday shopping tips from Dawn Sandomeno and Elizabeth Mascali, entertaining experts, authors of Plan To Party, and founders of The Party Bluprints Blog before you plan your shopping trip for Friday. These two moms know everything there is to know about parties and gift giving. Dawn and Elizabeth are judges in this year’s Holiday Giftee Awards by and they have appeared as featured experts on TV, radio, … [Read more...]
I’m A Chronic Canceler
June 24, 2011 by 17 Comments
On Thursday's episode of The Talk, Tisha Campbell-Martin was the special guest star. On one of the segments, Sharon stated that it was extremely rude for Lindsay Lohan to cancel a very high-profile interview with the Today Show, Matt Lauer being the interviewer, who flew thousands of miles from New York to California. Lindsay's excuse was that her urine was found with alcohol and had to attend to that matter. We all know very well that Lindsay has gotten herself into trouble numerous times in … [Read more...]