My love for coffee has grown since becoming a K-Cup Ambassador. Before trying out the Brew Over Ice K-Cup® portion packs, I was never an iced coffee kind of person. I prefer my coffee to be piping hot. But let's be real here, it's Summer and it's HOT! I don't think I can drink my coffee hot all the time. I want something to cool me off and caffeinate me as well. That's where the iced coffee K-Cup® portion packs comes in. I can't imagine surviving the hot and humid Summer without iced … [Read more...]
My Love for Coffee Just Got Bigger, Thanks to K-Cup® Portion Packs
Enjoying The Summer with Keurig’s Brew Over Ice
Summer is in full swing as we all know and for me, Summer means glasses upon glasses of iced cold lemonade and iced tea. They're both my drink of choice when its sweltering hot out. Not only am I one of Keurig's K-cup ambassador but I am one of their biggest fans . They keep me amazed and well-caffeinated when I need to be and are always surprising me with different flavors. I know there are others that claim to be the "best" at creating a multitude of beverages but they can't compare to … [Read more...]
You Ran Out Of K-Cups? No Problem!
How many times have this happened to you? You wake up craving (and desperately needing) a cup of good strong coffee and you look in the cupboards and there's nothing. You go crazy looking for the canister or in my case, K-cups and still, can't find one. The inevitable happened -- you ran out of K-cups. This has happened to me numerous times. I like to blame "Momnesia" as my friend Divina from says. It's amnesia - mommy-style. You forget everything because your … [Read more...]
The Winner of the Keurig Elite Brewer & Prize Pack is…
Since I had three different posts for this giveaway (caused by a nasty comment glitch), I had to use my math skills to add a few numbers to get to #369 (such a HUGE pain in the butt!). Here is the "problem": The first "official" post had 356 comments & since the post had a "comment glitch" (no other comments could be recorded for some strange reason), I had to re-post the giveaway on a brand new post. … [Read more...]
Keurig Elite B40 Brewer | Review & Giveaway: Sponsored by
**Note: The comment glitch is back again. This post is in addition to the other giveaway posts so comment below. I believe the track-backs are giving the comments an error so please, no track-backs! Thanks. I am on a quest for a new theme so this won't happen ever again. Thanks.** The Keurig brand has had a great reputation and it’s growing every day. Because of that, I’ve wanted one for the last few years because I’ve heard many great things about the brewer and to be honest, … [Read more...]
The Dirty Shirt is having a Keurig Giveaway!
My fellow bloggy friend Jenifa over at The Dirty Shirt is having a delicious giveaway. With the help of, she's giving away one Keurig B40 Elite Brewer to one lucky reader. I have been DYING to buy one of these because the coffee tastes so good. I was lucky enough to try a sample cup at my local BJ's Wholesale Store during their promotions and I fell in love with the taste and how fast you can have your cup of coffee but with a tight budget, things don't always work out for … [Read more...]