My Top Favorites From Getting Gorgeous with Restylane Silk 2015

It's not very often that I attend blog events being that I'm a full-time working mom and I work 2 hours away from the city.  Most events are held during the day which means I can't always attend unless I leave my job early, take a personal day or (gasp!) call out sick! I don't have many personal days nor sick days so I like to save them for those days when someone in my family is really sick. But then there are events such as Getting Gorgeous that I wouldn't miss out on even if it meant … [Read more...]

Tips On Keeping Your Mascara On Your Lashes

I don't normally blog about beauty because there are tons of beauty blogs out in the blogosphere that I frequent and I learn from them but I think I should at least write posts about things that I do that makes my "beauty time" easier, right? I've been using mascara since I had my son. I was never really into eye makeup before then, just a little eye liner. I was once told that adding mascara to your lashes will make your eyes stand out and they were definitely right.  I love mascara but … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday | Pure Beauty

After having a day of dark clouds and furry thunderstorms, it's nice to see the true beauty of the sky. Happy Wednesday! For more Wordless Wednesday, please visit & Now join the fun and add your linky!  … [Read more...]