If my little one was lactose-intolerant, she would be highly disappointed. At home we call her the dairy queen simply because she loves almost any food that is made with dairy. I'm talking about all types of cheeses, milk (if I leave it up to her, she'll drink milk all day long!), ice cream -- basically anything that is milk-based, she loves. Dan-o-nino isn't new to my daughter. I've been buying them for awhile now. It's one of her favorite snacks to take for school and she loves to eat … [Read more...]
Ocean Spray Sparkling Juice | Review
April 11, 2011 by 4 Comments
I have a little confession to make: I absolutely LOVE soda. If it were calorie-free (I don’t drink or like diet soda), I would drink it every day. But since its all sugar (high-fructose corn syrup to be exact) and about 150 calories a serving, I drink it on occasion. Recently I was contacted by Ocean Spray® offering to send me some samples of their new sparkling juice to try out, which comes in two flavors; cranberry and Pomegranate-blueberry. Ocean Spray® Sparkling Juice is made with 70 … [Read more...]