The Dirty Dancing® 25th Anniversary Celebration ~ Hosted by Skinny Cow® Productions

Skinny Cow ice creams

Movie making has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Now, many individuals have the option to choose movie theaters that have surround sound and 3D effects and also purchase Blue Ray DVD’s. All of these advanced technology for movie viewing is great, but sometimes I enjoy watching a movie the way I did growing up — the classic way.

One of my ultimate favorite classic movie is Dirty Dancing®. I’ve watched the movie Dirty Dancing® numerous times, and even bought the soundtrack album. So when I was invited to attend The Dirty Dancing® 25th Anniversary Celebration hosted by Skinny Cow® Productions, I was super excited!

Skinny Cow® will be hosting Dirty Dancing® screenings in 8 U.S cities total:

1. New York
2. Philadelphia
3. Miami
4. Chicago
5. Atalanta
6. Phoenix
7. Seattle
8. Los Angeles {The Finale}

Skinny Cow New York event

I enjoyed a VIP experience at the Best Buy Theater located in Times Square. The Best Buy theater displayed poster-sized images of some of the most memorable parts of  Dirty Dancing®, as well as some of the wardrobe that was used in the film. Prior to the movie screening, Skinny Cow® provided some of their delicious ice cream and chocolatey treats.

Skinny Cow Jennifer Grey

Now, for those who haven’t experienced Skinny Cow® products, you don’t know what you’re missing! Skinny Cow® offers delicious snacks such as ice cream bars, cones, cups and sandwiches, chocolatey Dreamy Clusters, Heavenly Crisp Candy and Shake-Stir Shakes. These snacks taste so good, it’s hard to believe they are low-calorie snacks.

I’ll admit, by the end of the night I had two ice cream cones, one truffle bar, one ice cream sandwich, and a pack of Dreamy Clusters. But one of the most memorable experiences for me was seeing actress Jennifer Grey, A.K.A. “Baby.”

As always, watching Dirty Dancing® was great. Once the movie was over, it was time for the after-party filled with music, great food, drinks, Skinny Cow® snacks, and at the end of the night — an awesome swag bag stuffed with cool stuff.

I had such an great time participating in The Dirty Dancing® 25th Anniversary Celebration. Thank you Skinny Cow for hosting such awesome party!

***For more information and dates, visit

skinny cow map
Written by Jessica.

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. New York Chica was invited to this special event by Skinny Cow Productions. All opinions are my own.


  1. I guess we should share this so that a lot of people will be aware with this kind of news.. Thanks a lot for the shared information here..
    Nelie recently posted..Sharepoint Hosting

  2. Wow – it is hard to believe that it’s been 25 years since the movie Dirty Dancing premiered. It is one of my favorites also. I am sure the event was a blast – and the Skinny Cow products were probably the icing on the cake – yum!

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