I’m On My Way To Blogalicious!

I can’t believe it! I’m finally attending my second blog conference, Blogalicious. After two weeks of being extremely busy, even too busy to blog at times, I am looking forward to a full weekend of learning, networking, meeting new friends and seeing some old friends too.

Right now, I’m blogging on the Amtrak train enjoying the unexpected FREE wi-fi! When I made reservations a few weeks ago, I saw that the trains with wi-fi were a hundred bucks more so I was a bit disappointed. I’m so happy for this unexpected surprise. Thanks Amtrak!

So, why have I been so busy? Let me explain….

Things in my household will be different come Monday. You see, I will be joining those who work outside of the home. Yup, the good ol’ 9-5.

I sent my resume for an office position, had an interview with 3 people and the very next day I got the call saying i got the job! I was so ecstatic. I will still blog but it will probably be done during the nights or weekends. With 3 kids, a needy (LOL) husband, a dog and a cat, I know I will be busier than ever! But I’m ready to take that challenge. I know there will be more stress along the way but at least I’ll have consistency in my life. With professional blogging (meaning getting paid), money isn’t always consistent and that’s what I need at this time in my life.

I have tons to post in the next few weeks. A few giveaways here and there, my trip to Vermont – courtesy of Green Mountain Coffee roasters and some random stuff.

I will try my best to blog while at the conference but I’m not promising. I hear Blogalicious will be full of great sessions and I plan on going to most so I will most likely be exhausted.

If you’re on twitter, look out for the hash tag #Blogalicious11 for all updates and information. And while you’re there, don’t forget to follow me as well, @newyorkchica. 😉

Enjoy your Thursday everyone!



  1. I’m gonna be with you in spirit! Rock it Lisa! XOXOXO
    Rachel recently posted..Their Future is Our Future

  2. Hope you have a great time!

  3. I saw your Twitter comment about blogging not being about competition and I had to check out your blog. I couldn’t agree more- most of my readers found me because of other bloggers, be it guest posts, collaborative projects, or even blog hops. Sometimes someone would simply point and say, “That Doug guy, he’s worth reading.” I try to keep my blogging karma pure by doing the same thing somewhat regularly.

    Enjoy the convention- I am jealous.
    Doug Stephens recently posted..Why can’t they just call it a pound sign?

    • Thank you so much for your wonderful comment. Its so true. And thanks, I am enjoying the conference. Do you attend blog conferences also?

  4. oh wow! Blogalicious AND a new job! Congrats honey, that’s fabulous.

    Have a wonderful time!!
    Elisa recently posted..Latest fashion collab: get ready for Versace for H&M!!

  5. Hope you had a nice time at the conference…. and Congrats on your new job and steady flow of income.
    Presley’s pantry recently posted..Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and Pan de Muerto recipe… Embraced Rituals.

    • I did. It was awesome! I hope to go again. Hoping it’s on the East Coast again. Hehehe. And HUGE thanks for the congrats on my job. I’m so grateful after over a year of looking!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS on getting the job! I knew you’d get it 🙂 I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to hear all about Blogalicious…someday I hope to go!
    Patty at A Day in My NYC recently posted..Waiting…

    • THANK YOU Patty! I’m so BUSY but so happy I finally have a REAL job. LOL Blogging is so inconsistent I was going mad! lol And blogalicious was FAB! You need to go next time for sure. I would love to go again.

  7. CONGRATS on the job! Hope you had a good time at blogalicious!
    Lisa Quinones-Fontanez recently posted..The Witching Hour

  8. Congratulations on the new job! 🙂
    Leslie @ Motherhood in Mexico recently posted..A Killer Homework Assignment

  9. Lisa!!! It was awesome meeting you at Blogalicious this weekend. I’m glad we didn’t scare you away con nuestra locura *LOL*. I hope we get to chat again soon. : ) Un abrazo, amiga.

    • Ezzy, the pleasure was all mine! You are so sweet. It was nice to spend time with you girls in the hotel room just talking and laughing! Can’t wait to see you again. XOXO

  10. Hi Lisa, I hope you enjoyed Blogalicious! I’ve spent some time on your blog today and it’s awesome! I hope we can connect on a business level- mom blogger- to mom blogger, as well as connect on a more personal level over time. I’d like to keep in touch with you and your blog, therefore I’ve decided to Follow you on Twitter, GFC and FB. If you find my small Blog Society of value to you and wish to join in, I would truly feel honored.

    Happy Blogging,
    LaDonna Dennis
    Mom Blog Society

    LaDonna Dennis recently posted..Status posted by Tracy C

  11. Melva Stark says:

    I saw your Twitter comment about blogging not being about competition and I had to check out your blog. Sometimes someone would simply point and say, “That Doug guy, he’s worth reading.” I try to keep my blogging karma pure by doing the same thing somewhat regularly.
    Melva Stark recently posted..Cancer Tattoos Tumblr

  12. Nellie Franklin says:

    Blogalicious AND a new job! lol And blogalicious was FAB! I’m loving it!
    Nellie Franklin recently posted..Swiffer Mops

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