Since I am away taking a mini-road trip this weekend, I asked a couple of friends if they wanted to be a guest poster here at New York Chica. I am happy to announce that Ofelia will be our second guest writer. Ofelia is a single Latina mom raising her teenage daughter, dealing with the rules of the suburbs and trying to pass on the best of their wonderful culture. Her blog is called Viviendo en dos idiomas ~ Living in Two Languages.
I had one of “those” days last week. School done for the year, nothing good on TV, utility trucks digging up our street for the sixth week so far. My teen asked if I’d let her go to the library. After some thought (cranky kid at home, happy kid at library) I let her go.
I stayed home doing other things, then after a while texted my daughter to meet me in the park. We walked side by side. Several cars beeped at each other and we got annoyed at how loud they were. We turned a corner and a man on a bike rode past us, without saying “excuse me” or “coming through” to alert us. He huffed at us, so rude to not have moved aside. As we stared at him, my teen said “oh, I knocked a guy off his bike today.” “What, why?” I asked.
“Well, he started it.” She explained. While walking in the park near the library, she saw a man on a bicycle headed in her direction. She stepped aside to let him pass. Instead of riding past, he leaned toward her. My daughter put her hand out and pushed him off his bike, into the grass. “Are you gonna say something?” “No.” “Weren’t you about to say something?” “Yes.” “So whatcha gonna say now?” “Nothing.” He kept his eyes on her, grabbed his bike and backed away slowly.
I listened to this, slightly awed that my daughter took such aggressive action. Then I said “Good job” and we went about our day. Some mothers might be upset at their child for doing something borderline violent. I’m pleased that my daughter defended her personal space. It puts my mind at ease, knowing if we get separated in a crowd she can defend herself.
What would you expect your child to do, in this same situation?
I would also be happy that my daughter knows how to defend her personal space. What a proud mommy moment! Great post! Also, I “liked” family education on facebook. Great tool.
Tell me about it. All females should know how to defend herself. Ofelia, you rock!!
Pobrecito, lol. Would’ve loved to see the look on his face! Así es que se hace. Good for her, she knows how to handle jerks 🙂