EA Sports Active 30-Day Challenge – Update

I FAILED!!!!!!

That’s right people, you read it right. I failed the 30 day challenge.

I couldn’t help it.  I let everything in life come between exercising and getting into shape. It started with severe pain in my  knees and then sharp pains in my back. I also couldn’t do the lunges the right way and my “trainer” kept telling me that I was doing it wrong (I must be getting old :/).

So I stopped.

I couldn’t continue exercising because I was in too much pain whenever I did the lunges, jog in place or even the inline skating jumps (those are HORRIBLE!).

Anyway, I do plan on exercising in the near future with the EA Sports Active (because it DOES work!)  but I won’t be doing another 30 day challenge.  I’ll just make up my own workout.

*If you don’t know what the EA Sports Active is, click HERE to find out more information.


  1. Don’t feel bad. At least your tried. I never even started the 30 day challenge.

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