My son got this shirt from Hot Topic yesterday. I didn't get to see what he bought (I gave him his space and waited outside) until he washed it last night. I don't know why he decided on buying this shirt but I feel it may start some controversy at school. What do you think? FYI: My husband and I are not too thrilled about the shirt... … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: It’s Almost Over
The last days of Summer are upon us. The days are already getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler. That's it folks - Summer is almost over (in NY, that is). As much as I love the Fall season, I'm not ready to say good-bye to Summer just yet. Who's with me? Here's to having a wonderful Wednesday! … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: What My Morning Looked Like…
I've been out of the "blogging limelight" for a few days (ok, TEN days! Wow!) because of family, work and just life. It's not a bad thing. It's Summer and family comes first! Happy Hump Day! Hope you enjoyed your Wednesday! … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: Strolling, Part 2
Back in February, I took a picture of the neighborhood I stroll in during my lunch. It looks kinda depressing after you see the below photo. I would just love if the trees and flowers were in full bloom every day of the year. Am I right? HAPPY WEDNESDAY!! … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: Rainbows!
It must be April with all these rain showers lately in New York, right? Nope! It's indeed June and we are having rain showers as if it were April. I'm not complaining. I love rain. And with rain, comes rainbows! Yay! Below are two photos my hubby sent me just a few days ago. Aren't they pretty? Happy Wednesday aka Happy HUMP Day! … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: My Mommy and Me ~ 1981
I was looking through my old photos again and spotted this picture of my mommy and me. She was pregnant with my sister. I remember I was so excited to be a big sister. I was just six years old in this photo. And check out the decor! :) Happy Wordless Wednesday everyone! … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: A Bit of NYC #iCapture
My girls and I ventured to the city on Cinco de Mayo and these are some photos I took with my iPhone. Happy Wednesday and Enjoy! Top left photo: Grand Central Terminal, Top right: Outside of Grand Central terminal and the Chrysler Building, Bottom Left photo: A scene of a movie or show being taped and Bottom right photo: Times Square from inside The Ride (post coming soon!). … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: Walking During Lunch
Here's a photo I took from my walk today. It was such a beautiful day for walking. I've got my walking buddies and my Nike+ sneakers with sensor to track how much I walk. I just love it! It's giving me the motivation I need to lose weight instead of staying inside sitting on my butt while stuffing my face! ;) Hope your day was just as bright! … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: Pixar Studios #DisneyPixarEvent
I'm in San Francisco today and because of the time difference, I almost forgot today was Wednesday. I'm not feeling too well. I either have allergies or a head cold so my nose is stuffed and my ears are clogged, thanks to the plane descending. I hear everything muffled and I'm a bit miserable. But before I keep rambling on, here's my photo of the week! Enjoy! … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: The Beauty of Spring
Aaah, the smell of Spring is in the air. Flowers are blooming, grass is getting greener, birds are chirping and the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom. Check out a photo I took with my brand, new iPhone 4S on the way to the mall. Can you smell the flowers? ;-) Enjoy your Wednesday! … [Read more...]