Don’t you hate it…

...when you have a paper cut on your finger and don't remember how you got it? ...when you see a bruise on your leg and you absolutely don't remember how it got there until you felt it? ...when you are driving behind a person going 40 mph on a 55 mph and you can't pass them? ...when you drive down a road, minding your own business when all of a sudden someone comes across the double yellow lines and you have to jerk the vehicle away so you won't crash into them? ...when you have so … [Read more...]

What is up??

I don't understand what is up with all these spammers??? My goodness.  The last week I have deleted over 30 spam comments.  It's getting really ridiculous. I REALLY hate that! If those spammers are reading this, do yourselves a favor; stop wasting your time posting your SPAM because it will get deleted and stop wasting my time! Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?  I would love to know.  Thanks! … [Read more...]