I can’t believe this crap!

The New York Post has printed a very disturbing picture in yesterday's newspaper.  Someone created a picture showing two police officers and a gunned down chimp.  They are referring the chimp to President Obama, which to me is very disrespectful. He is our president whether we like it or not.  He is doing the best that he can. I don't think anyone deserves this. Also, at this very moment, there are people protesting the picture and many people want The New York Post shut down because of … [Read more...]

I *heart* today!

How about some Red Chocolate Hearts for Valentine's Day? I would love some.  I love chocolate.  Everyone does, right? hint, hint! LOL. This one's for you Babe! =) HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!!!!!! I hope you enjoy your day with your loved ones! … [Read more...]

Awesome Video of Plane Crash on the Hudson

This video is long but if you fast forward to 2:00 minutes, you can see the plane "land" on the Hudson River. About 3 minutes later, you can see a boat coming to their rescue.  Now that is what I call fast response.  Truly Amazing! … [Read more...]

Today’s the day!

Hey everyone!  I think I'm back to blog, not sure how long that will last.  I know for a fact that I definitely had writer's block (and other life issues) because whenever I opened up wordpress, my mind was a blank.  I've seen that on several blogs that I read so I'm glad I'm not alone.  Maybe it has to do with the cold weather, who knows.  I just want to snuggle up in my bed and watch TV.  Too bad that isn't my reality. Anyway, today is Inauguration Day.  The United States of America will have … [Read more...]

I don’t know them but I feel so bad.

:( By now, everyone knows that John Travolta and Kelly Preston's son died on Friday caused by a seizure.  I was curious to see what they had on their site because I heard on the news that many fans sent them condolences thru their site.  That is also when I found this picture: When I saw this picture, my tears came down. My heart really goes out to them. I can only imagine the pain they are going thru.  If you want to see the site, here it is: http://www.kellypreston.com/ You can also … [Read more...]

Does my site take a long time to load up?

A few people emailed me this weekend and mentioned to me that when they go on my site, it loads up pretty slow.  I do apologize because I had no idea.  I hate it when I go on a site and it takes forever to load up; I get impatient and close the site.  I really don't want people leaving my site because it's slow.  So I went ahead and deleted some stuff that I thought might make it run slow.  So if it continues to load up slowly, PLEASE let me know.  I may have to remove more "things" that I don't … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday – Xmas Style

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Some info on Organic Food.

While reading the newspaper a few days ago, I saw some important information about Organic Foods.  I often wonder, what foods are better oganic? I always thought it was ALL fruits but I thought wrong.  Read below: Here's the list of the best foods to buy organic (most susceptible to pesticide residue) Peaches Apples Sweet Bell Peppers Celery Nectarines Strawberries Cherries Pears Grapes Spinach Lettuce Potatoes Here's the list for the foods you can buy at the … [Read more...]

WW – Long Hallway

Come and join the fun!!  Click below to add your Wordless Wednesday!! … [Read more...]

I found the perfect trailer voice!

As you may already know, Don LaFontaine died in September.  He was "The Voice of God" A.K.A. the voice of almost every movie trailer.  He recorded over 5,000 movie trailers and hundreds of thousands of television advertisements, video game trailers and network promotions.  I was disappointed that he died because he was great at what he did.  I'm sure he will be missed. BUT, I found the perfect person for the voiceover for the movie trailers.  Check out this video from Youtube and tell me what … [Read more...]