MVP #GenerationGo: Tips on Youth Sports (& A $50 VISA Gift Card Giveaway)

Since I have joined the MVP Generation Go Ambassador Program, I have shared many topics with you. From my style of meal planning, my favorite kid-friendly recipe to time management skills, back-to-school tips and more.

As a MVP Generation Go Ambassador, I also get to give away, with the help from Kids Fun Plaza, a $50 Visa Gift Card. 😉

Learn more about the MVP Generation Go program by going to their Facebook page to like them to get all the updates!

youth sportsPhoto credit

This week’s topic is about Youth Sports.

By now, most kids have started school.  My kids went back this past Wednesday and let me tell you it hasn’t been easy.  During the Summer, we kicked back, slept-in many mornings and just had fun.  Now it’s time to get down to business and back to a much needed routine.

With that being said, there are also many kids who are back to playing sports.  I remember my 12 year old playing soccer one year (this was a few years ago) and as she was trying to kick the ball to one of her team mates, she tripped and fell on her wrist.  She was screaming with agony.  I was so scared.  Her coach mentioned  that it was a possibility she sprained her wrist.  By the time we got home, she said she felt better. I gave her an ice pack and some Tylenol and she went to bed. Her wrist was a bit swollen but I didn’t think it was that bad.  The next morning, she said she couldn’t handle the pain so I called her pediatrician and we went within that hour.  After the doctor checked her, we were sent over to radiology to have an x-ray done.  After the x-ray, the technician said she had a fracture.

Oh no!

Do you know how bad I felt?  I was so heartbroken for her. I felt really bad but thankfully the nurse reassured me that some parents wait days and days later to bring their child to the hospital.  I’m not sure if that were true but she calmed me down.

After her cast was removed, she was no longer interested in soccer, let alone any sport.  She was my only child who adored sports but what can I do?  She’s a great violinist so I’m happy about that. 😉

Since I know very little about sports, Greg Dashaw, who is the Head Athletic Trainer at Siena College, gave all the ambassadors some tips to share with our readers.

Tips on Youth Sports

“Equipment–- it is extremely important for everyone involved in sports to have proper fitting gear. Your performance and development on the field of play can be affected by your equipment. Two examples would be:

1. Proper fitting footwear: Brand new sneakers, turf shoes, or cleats that are not broken in can cause blisters. This can cause you to miss practice and game participation. Old shoes that are too big or too small can cause you to change your gait; this could lead to other injuries.

2. A helmet that is too big is poor protection and can lead to injury if it slides down and blocks your vision. Ones that are too tight can cause headaches. It is important to have someone that is knowledgeable about the equipment that you need for your sport help you pick out the right size and get the right fit.”

And now for the giveaway.



MANDATORY ENTRY: I would love to know how you ensure youth sports safety. (or) What are things you do for your child to have a successful year in their sport?


1) Like the MVP GenerationGo Fan page and add your tip over there as well.

2) Tweet your “Tips” comment with these hashtags: #GenerationGo.

3) Follow New York Chica and Tweet this (Once a day):

Have a Youth Sports tip? Share it for a chance 2 win a $50 GC from @NewYorkChica Ends 9/17 #GenerationGo #Giveaway

4) Like this post (button is below this post).

5) “Like” New York Chica on Facebook. If you liked New York Chica already (thanks!), just say so in the comment. 

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**For official giveaway rules, please click here.**

PLEASE NOTE, if you don’t see your comment right away, it’s not because it didn’t go thru – it simply means your comment went to the SPAM folder and I have to approve it.  Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks ;)

Disclosure: I am an MVP Generation Go Ambassador. MVP Has provided me with compensation for this post. My participation is voluntary and my opinions expressed here are always my own.


  1. We encourage helmet use with everything!

  2. Daily tweet!/JoeyfromSC/status/114529362795184128


  3. tip for sports would have to be they eat healthy snacks and lots of water! 🙂

  4. liked new york chica on fb (donald light)

  5. liked mvp generation go on fb (donald light)

  6. following newyorkchica on twitter (donaldlight84)

  7. Frank Kerner says:

    To ensure youth sports safety, we always make sure that they’re wearing the gear properly!

  8. My tip is to wear good shoes appropriate for the sport.
    Thanks for the contest.

  9. FB like post: Slehan

  10. FB like you: Slehan

  11. we make sure my nephew stretches first, has proper equipment, and that the health insurance is still active and paid for. hes 7, hes all boy, he will get hurt… but at least he is covered.

  12. liked post xferriza2 danielle b

  13. fb fan xferriza2 danielle b

  14. I make sure my little guy has the proper equipment and gets lots of rst before a game. Also apply sunblock.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  15. I follow on Twitter @eswright18 and tweeted!/eswright18/status/114668760522166272
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  16. I like you on FB (Ellie W)
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  17. Liked this giveaway (Ellie W)
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  18. For us, a successful year in sports means our son is playing at what he feels is his best level and therefore is happy playing. We make sure he never misses a practice.

  19. Amanda Sakovitz says:
  20. Shirley Hicks says:

    make sure they dont get overheated and always wear the proper gear

  21. Keeping the kids hydrated with lots of water 🙂 Thankyou

  22. With the heat here I would make sure that the kids had mandatory water breaks so they could stay hydrated! Too many heat related injuries that could be prevented!

  23. Soha Molina says:
  24. we are making sure they eat healthy food and drink plenty of water

  25. Like the MVP GenerationGo Fan page (gala ya)

  26. like this post (gala ya)

  27. “Like” New York Chica on Facebook (gala ya)

  28. dAILY TWEET!/JoeyfromSC/status/114803286007226369


  29. I signed them up for swim lessons before Swim Club starts so that they have the confidence to do the club.

  30. Craig Johnson says:

    I always make sure my child stretches before playing!!

  31. Follow New York Chica on Twitter and tweeted!/chipdip2010/status/114838289562873857

  32. ‘Like’ this post on FB – Jill Lear

  33. “Like” New York Chica on Facebook. – Jill Lear


  35. I make sure they have the equipment they need!
    Tammy Darling recently posted..School’s Out!?!

  36. Susan Bywater says:

    I think it’s important for my kids to eat healthy snacks and keep hydrated. Luckily they love drinking water.

  37. Jennifer Marie says:
  38. I’m an email subscriber.

  39. I’m a FB fan (Mari Doug)