MVP #GenerationGo: Tips on Youth Sports (& A $50 VISA Gift Card Giveaway)

Since I have joined the MVP Generation Go Ambassador Program, I have shared many topics with you. From my style of meal planning, my favorite kid-friendly recipe to time management skills, back-to-school tips and more.

As a MVP Generation Go Ambassador, I also get to give away, with the help from Kids Fun Plaza, a $50 Visa Gift Card. 😉

Learn more about the MVP Generation Go program by going to their Facebook page to like them to get all the updates!

youth sportsPhoto credit

This week’s topic is about Youth Sports.

By now, most kids have started school.  My kids went back this past Wednesday and let me tell you it hasn’t been easy.  During the Summer, we kicked back, slept-in many mornings and just had fun.  Now it’s time to get down to business and back to a much needed routine.

With that being said, there are also many kids who are back to playing sports.  I remember my 12 year old playing soccer one year (this was a few years ago) and as she was trying to kick the ball to one of her team mates, she tripped and fell on her wrist.  She was screaming with agony.  I was so scared.  Her coach mentioned  that it was a possibility she sprained her wrist.  By the time we got home, she said she felt better. I gave her an ice pack and some Tylenol and she went to bed. Her wrist was a bit swollen but I didn’t think it was that bad.  The next morning, she said she couldn’t handle the pain so I called her pediatrician and we went within that hour.  After the doctor checked her, we were sent over to radiology to have an x-ray done.  After the x-ray, the technician said she had a fracture.

Oh no!

Do you know how bad I felt?  I was so heartbroken for her. I felt really bad but thankfully the nurse reassured me that some parents wait days and days later to bring their child to the hospital.  I’m not sure if that were true but she calmed me down.

After her cast was removed, she was no longer interested in soccer, let alone any sport.  She was my only child who adored sports but what can I do?  She’s a great violinist so I’m happy about that. 😉

Since I know very little about sports, Greg Dashaw, who is the Head Athletic Trainer at Siena College, gave all the ambassadors some tips to share with our readers.

Tips on Youth Sports

“Equipment–- it is extremely important for everyone involved in sports to have proper fitting gear. Your performance and development on the field of play can be affected by your equipment. Two examples would be:

1. Proper fitting footwear: Brand new sneakers, turf shoes, or cleats that are not broken in can cause blisters. This can cause you to miss practice and game participation. Old shoes that are too big or too small can cause you to change your gait; this could lead to other injuries.

2. A helmet that is too big is poor protection and can lead to injury if it slides down and blocks your vision. Ones that are too tight can cause headaches. It is important to have someone that is knowledgeable about the equipment that you need for your sport help you pick out the right size and get the right fit.”

And now for the giveaway.



MANDATORY ENTRY: I would love to know how you ensure youth sports safety. (or) What are things you do for your child to have a successful year in their sport?


1) Like the MVP GenerationGo Fan page and add your tip over there as well.

2) Tweet your “Tips” comment with these hashtags: #GenerationGo.

3) Follow New York Chica and Tweet this (Once a day):

Have a Youth Sports tip? Share it for a chance 2 win a $50 GC from @NewYorkChica Ends 9/17 #GenerationGo #Giveaway

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5) “Like” New York Chica on Facebook. If you liked New York Chica already (thanks!), just say so in the comment. 

6) Subscribe by email for free updates. If you’re already a confirmed email subscriber (thanks!), just state it in the comment.

**For official giveaway rules, please click here.**

PLEASE NOTE, if you don’t see your comment right away, it’s not because it didn’t go thru – it simply means your comment went to the SPAM folder and I have to approve it.  Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks ;)

Disclosure: I am an MVP Generation Go Ambassador. MVP Has provided me with compensation for this post. My participation is voluntary and my opinions expressed here are always my own.


  1. Scott Martin says:

    I “liked” you on Facebook. THANKS for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY!!!

    Scott Martin
    spmartin122 at gmail dot com

  2. Amanda Sakovitz says:
  3. We try to stay active year round, not just doing sports season, which seems to help with staying in better shape, getting less injuries and performing better.

  4. I clicked on the Like button for this post.

  5. Mary Beth Elderton says:
  6. Julia Houston says:

    Nothing beats close adult supervision!

  7. You have to communicate with the coaches, letting them know that it’s more important to your family that your child learn, have fun & enjoy the sport than get screamed at like his whole life is riding on whether the team has a winning season or not.

  8. Make sure they wear all safety equipment: helmets, pads, etc.

  9. Jennifer Marie says:
  10. teach them how to tuck n roll when getting tackled or pushed over

  11. Make sure they have the right protection in the right places around the body.

  12. I make sure they eat healthy food and stay hydrated, and wear proper safety gear such as helmets.

  13. like you on fb (julie hawkins)

  14. like mvp and commented with tip (julie hawkins)

  15. I emphasize to my son that in order for him to play sports, that he must be diligent in completing his homework.

  16. Lucy Schwartz says:

    We tried for balance. School and its work was of first importance. Sports were to have fun and be active. Winning was a secondary issue.

  17. To have a successful year in sports, it’s more than one thing. Nutrition is important, but I try to emphasize that “nutrition of the mind” is important, too… studying shouldn’t be pushed aside or rushed to do other things. And then just a basic message of doing the best they can do. Sounds simple but it works. 🙂
    Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

  18. I “like” MVP Generation Go on Facebook
    (Katharina Ess) angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

  19. I “like” you on Facebook (Katharina Ess)

  20. I “liked” this post on Facebook (Katharina Ess)

  21. I am already an email subscriber. 🙂
    Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com

  22. Jennifer Marie says:
  23. Jennifer Marie says:

    liked the MVP GenerationGo Fan page and added my tip over there as well
    (Jennifer Messner M)

  24. Jennifer Marie says:
  25. Jennifer Marie says:

    liked this post (Jennifer Messner M)

  26. Jennifer Marie says:

    like you on facebook (Jennifer Messner M)

  27. Jennifer Marie says:

    email subscriber

  28. Mandatory: Make sure they are properly hydrated.

  29. We make sure they know the rules and proper procedures, stay well hydrated and fit throughout.

  30. Soha Molina says:
  31. One of the best ways to ensure safety in sports is to make certain they have the appropriate safety gear.

  32. Mary Beth Elderton says:
  33. I make sure my children understand the rules of the sport they are playing
    tmc480 at yahoo dot com

  34. email subscriber
    tmc480 at yahoo dot com

  35. Amanda Sakovitz says:
  36. daniel healey says:

    After school I take my daughter and son and we play soccer every day in the back yard.

  37. Make sure everyone wears the proper safety equipment

  38. I think the important thing is to support and encourage your child, without being overbearing.

  39. I “Like” New York Chica on Facebook.

  40. Support, supervision and stressing fun over winning at all costs.
    dddiva recently posted..WWTKW Road Trippin’

  41. Like the post Sherry Conrad
    dddiva recently posted..WWTKW Road Trippin’

  42. Like you on Fb Sherry Conrad
    dddiva recently posted..WWTKW Road Trippin’

  43. For a successful year: I just try to be supportive and be positive. Encourage my kiddo to have fun!

  44. New Twitter follower (would love a follow back!)