MVP #GenerationGo: Creative Recreation (& a $50 VISA Gift Card Giveaway!)

Like I said before, I’m one of  the MVP Generation Go Ambassadors and my job is to bring you helpful and healthy tips so you and your family can live a better life, or at least try.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been posting different ways on how you can keep your whole family active and healthy by eating right and exploring your community.

This week’s topic is Creative Recreation.

Creative Recreation is very important for the growth and development of recognition in every culture of the world.  Play is important for promoting capabilities and social awareness within children.

There are lots of ways for children to stay active, even in their own backyards.

Here are ways my kids stay active:

1) Basketball:  A few months ago, my husband came home with a basketball hoop for our backyard and it has become a family affair.  We all go outside after dinner and we each take turns dribbling the ball and trying to make hoops.   I’m not much of a sports girl but what surprised me was that I’m almost as good as my husband.  I surprised myself plus my kids — that alone makes me proud.  And they call me old. HA!

2) Scooter:  My 6-year-old daughter has A LOT of energy, sometimes too much.  With all that energy, I’m glad she has a scooter to burn all that energy off.  She loves it.  She’s also allowed to play inside since it’s a small scooter and doesn’t take up much room when she’s riding up and down the hallway.

3) Bubbles: Who doesn’t love bubbles? Even as an adult, I love to play with bubbles.  It’s an activity that requires some running (of course, you’ve got to chase the bubbles to pop them) and some creativity. My kids love to see who blows the biggest bubble.

4) Bike Riding: Obviously, we all know that bike riding is one of the best activities to do.  It keeps you fit, strengthens your legs and gets your heart-rate going.  The only bad thing is trying to get my son into it.  He’s not much of a bike fan but we’re still trying.

5) Water: It’s nature’s free-play.  You can do so many things with water. Since we don’t have a pool, we play with the water hose.  It’s fantastic for those hot, humid days — Grab a hose and just start spraying.  It’s a great way to cool off and burn some calories.  How? By running away from the person who’s holding the hose! lol


Mandatory Entry: For a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card sponsored by Kids Fun Plaza, tell me in a comment what’s the best way to keep your kids active.

Extra Entries:

1) Like the MVP GenerationGo Fan page and add your favorite place (s) to stay local, hold family activities and where to explore within your community tip comment there.

2) Tweet your “Creative Tips” comment with a #GenerationGo & #CreativeRecreation hashtags.

3) Follow New York Chica and Tweet this (Up to 5X daily):

@NewYorkChica is giving away a $50 VISA Gift Card. Perfect for Back-to-school. Ends Aug 19th #Giveaway #GenerationGo

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Disclosure: I am an MVP Generation Go ambassador. MVP Has provided me with compensation for this post. My participation is voluntary and my opinion is always my own.


  1. liked this post on fb as meredith c
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  2. luckylifepath22 says:

    hiking, nature walks, treasure hunts!

  3. luckylifepath22 says:

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    fb name: elle lifepath

  4. luckylifepath22 says:

    i like new york chica on facebook
    fb name: elle lifepath

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  6. Jill Myrick says:

    My children are extremely active with school athletics during the school year such as track, basketball and football.
    And during the summer we spend a lot of time swimming and hiking.


  7. Jill Myrick says:

    I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


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    I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

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    Wuera_mermaid22 at

  10. Meredith (@luvmy_babygio) has shared a Tweet

  11. Linda Lansford says:

    best way to keep your kids active is the swimming pool

  12. Linda Lansford says:

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  13. Linda Lansford says:

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  14. Swimming! Especially with how hot this summer has been.

  15. Nicole Larsen says:
  16. Jen Harriman says:

    I have a hard time keeping my kids active. They lazy up so quick! I do have to say when theres an opportunity to swim they are all over it!

  17. Jen Harriman says:

    I like the post on facebook. Jennifer Harriman

  18. Jen Harriman says:

    and I like your facebook page. Jennifer Harriman

  19. The best way is to give her some bubbles or a tub of water and some cups outside. She runs around like crazy!!

  20. Liked this post on FB as sarah linette

  21. Like you on FB as sarah linette

  22. Limit TV and video game time, actively participate WITH them, go for a family walk, play soccer, etc.

  23. Activities like arts & crafts, board games or outdoor games.

  24. We spend a lot of time swimming since it is so hot here in the summer! In the winter we love to go geo-caching! It’s tons of fun and we are hiking all over the place!

  25. Tweet 1:!/JoeyfromSC/status/104279865498406912


    JoeyfromSC recently posted..WINNER OF THE FIBER ONE GIVEAWAY IS….

  26. Jennifer M says:

    We take long walks while she rides her scooter.

  27. Jennifer M says:

    Facebook like as Jennifer Schmidt

  28. Christian Kneisel says:

    speak with the kids

    5) “Like” New York Chica on Facebook.
    Christian Kneisel


  29. Go Hiking!

  30. the best way to engage kids in physical activity is to get their interest first. My girl loves nature so we go on walks and find new bugs and stuff.
    Kim H. recently posted..Oyster Mushrooms . . . cooked!

  31. Angela Winesburg says:

    I think the best way to keep kids active is to enroll them in school sports

  32. Angela Winesburg says:

    Email Subscriber, thanks!

  33. Angela Winesburg says:

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  34. Make chores a game and basketball is favorite in the family!

  35. My kids are involved in many community organizations like Cub scouts and playground camp, so they are often very busy with events and activities. When they do have free time, they have a ton of friends from the neighborhood to play with.

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  40. shirley pebbles says:

    scavenger hunts are the best way to keep the kids active.