Wordless Wednesday: Love in 1995 (#linky)

Looking thru my old photos, I always come across a few here and there where I’m shocked about my clothes and/or hair. In this photo, I was having a bad hair day (thanks to humid, rainy weather) and I could care less. I had my love next to me and that is all that mattered. Enjoy!


Question: Do you know where this photo was taken?

Have a Wordless Wednesday Post?

Link up your post below. I would love to see your photo! And don’t forget to visit these participants as well: The Domestic Buzz, Momspective, Dear Crissy & 5 Minutes for Mom.


  1. You have Jordans on! That’s cool lol.

  2. Awww you guys look adorable!

  3. This picture looks like a postcard, bad hair or not.

  4. Karl, I have no idea what sneakers I had on! lol
    Mig, thanks. it was so long ago but it doesn’t feel like it is.
    Angela, awww thanks. Those were good times!

  5. so cute!

  6. Oh, I love looking back at old photos, but I’m rarely brave enough to share them, lol.

  7. I have no idea where this photo was taken, but I think you look lovely πŸ™‚

  8. I love this photo! Thanks for sharing a private moment with us.

  9. I agree — you’re so brave! But you two make an adorable couple. πŸ™‚

  10. It’s always good to remember memories… I’m so glad you’ve shared this post, I was actually smiling while reading it. Keep your bond and loving strong and make another lovely memories! πŸ™‚

  11. Ay mija, if I showed you a picture of me in 96 you’d pass out! LOL I was a completely different person. You don’t look bad at all but I don’t know where this was taken! Clearly in front of a water fountain! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  12. Ditto on the brave…Que pelo!

  13. Jenny, Thanks πŸ™‚
    Melissa, it’s not that bad to share them. Old pics tell stories πŸ™‚ Don’t be shy!
    Elisa, I will reveal the place in another post. πŸ™‚
    Presley’s, thank u. Now it’s your turn! lol
    Aurelia, at first i was like NO!!! But you know what, those were the good ol’ days.
    Mia, Thank you for your wonderful words. πŸ™‚
    Bren, you have GOT to share with us. Come on, it’s not bad.
    Carrie, I don’t know whether to take “Que pelo” in a bad way or a good way. LOL Uh oh!

  14. I think I know where this is because I believe I have the same photo from there, lol, but now that you said you were going to mention it in another post, I won’t spoil the surprise.

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