Exploring Your Local Community (Giveaway for $50 Visa Card!)

New and exciting things are happening fast here at New York Chica but I’m not complaining.  This week I’m happy to announce that yours truly has been selected as an MVP Generation Go Ambassador by MVP Healthcare in the NorthEast.

Let me explain what that is.  MVP Generation Go program was formulated to help families get up, get outdoors and active and most importantly, live well.  As an MVP Generation Go Ambassador (along with 7 other Northeast bloggers), I will post weekly on topics ranging from community to creative recreation.

On top of posting weekly on various topics, all of the ambassadors will be giving away a $50 Visa gift card EVERY WEEK sponsored by Kids Fun Plaza! I know how much you all love giveaways and I have to say I love to host them too! So don’t forget to check my blog every week for new posts and a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card.

For more information on the program, you can visit  MVP Generation Go on Facebook and “Like” them to see what’s going on every week.  You can also check out the other ambassadors as well.  If you’re on Twitter, make sure you follow them at @MVPGenerationGo and follow the hashtag #GenerationGo too.

I live in New York, obviously.  My blog’s name says it all.  I was born in Manhattan, raised in the Bronx and when I was married, I moved to Yonkers. It wasn’t until we had two kids in tow that we decided to move to the Hudson Valley to buy a house.  We both had the dream of becoming homeowners and the only way for us to make that dream come true was to move an hour and a half away from the city.

Ten years later, we don’t regret making that big move.  We love where we live and the schools are fantastic.  There are tons of things to do in our community so one is never bored.  Things like fairs, car shows, parks and local museums, there’s something for everyone in the whole family.

There’s a local park that we love to visit especially. It’s called Bowdoin Park.  It overlooks the Hudson River and every few minutes you can hear the Metro-North and Amtrak trains pass through.

Bowdoin Park is a 301 acre park located on the banks of the Hudson River in the Town of Poughkeepsie, NY on Sheafe Road.  It’s a wonderful place to have picnics, play soccer or just relax while the kids are cooling off at the play fountains.  There’s even a 4-mile trail that is well-maintained by the park staff.

It’s our favorite because not only is it free, it’s close-by and it’s peaceful.

“Supporting one’s home community is very gratifying,” says Pete Bardunias, President/CEO of the Chamber of Southern Saratoga County.  “Especially in a state like New York, where exciting, undiscovered treasures are all around us.   From hidden remnants of canals, historic farms and museums, waterways, mountains and open space, to modern centers of industry and shopping convenience, we’ve got it all within a very short distance from home – it’s the best reason for thinking and buying local!”


Mandatory Entry: For a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card sponsored by Kids Fun Plaza, tell me in a comment where’s your favorite local place you like to visit often and why.

Extra Entries:

1) Like the MVP GenerationGo Fan page and add your favorite place (s) to stay local, hold family activities and where to explore within your community tip comment there.

2) Tweet your “Focus on Community” comment with a #GenerationGo & #Community hashtags.

3) Follow New York Chica and Tweet this (unlimited):

I entered to win a $50 Visa Gift Card from @newyorkchica Ends Aug 5th http://bit.ly/p3AjJb #Giveaway

4) Like this post (button is above this post).

5) “Like” New York Chica on Facebook.

6) Subscribe by email for free updates.

Photo credit: Public Works

Disclosure: I am an MVP Generation Go ambassador. MVP Has provided me with compensation for this post. My participation is voluntary and my opinion is always my own.


  1. Carolyn Barnett says:

    I follow newyorkchica on twitter as @crb370981954 and tweeted the giveaway here.


  2. Carolyn Barnett says:

    Like this post as Carolyn Barnett

  3. Carolyn Barnett says:

    “Like” New York Chica on Facebook. as Carolyn Barnett

  4. Carolyn Barnett says:

    Subscribe by email as carolynishis AT gmail DOT com

  5. Because of my proximity to them, I like visiting the Botanical Gardens and the Bronx Zoo, not just in summer but year round!

  6. I’m not in the NE, but I love Balboa Park in San Diego. One of my all time favorite places (not just in San Diego), with so much to see and do, and always a great exhibit at the San Diego Museum of Art!

  7. We love visiting the local park, zoo and beaches. great giveaway!!

  8. we like to visit the kiddie park here in san antonio, tx

  9. we like visiting the kiddie park here in san antonio, tx
    xxkimhcxx at gmail dot com

  10. Amanda S says:
  11. My favorite place in NYC is the UWS. The entire neighborhood makes me happy! There are shops, restaurants, and it is a walking neighborhood. Time flies when in the area and it’s great exercise as well!

  12. I tweeted the post and “liked” your FB page! Wishing myself luck! Lol.

  13. My local free spot is Wald Park (off of Hwy 31). We tried to go on Friday and they had closed it to lay down new mulch! 🙁

  14. Patricia says:

    The Boston Commons, is a 30 minute ride from where we live. Its a beautiful park, they always have festivals, community outings for the kids. Summer open pool. Thank you.

  15. Patricia says:

    I Like New York Chica on Facebook

  16. Patricia says:

    I subscribed to your daily emails.

  17. Patricia says:

    I follow you on Twitter @ADiva_Circle and tweeted

  18. Patricia says:

    I Like this post (Patricia S)

  19. Our local park. It has a light house!

  20. follow you on facebook

  21. Subscribe by email

  22. Amanda S says:
  23. I actually just moved and we are living in Virginia now – we moved from New Hampshire. So I am looking for fun local places to visit. But one we went to last weekend was a Civil War Battlefield which was really cool.

  24. Liked New York Chica on FB (S Cook)

  25. Amanda S says:
  26. My favorite local place is Malibu beach, its beautiful.

  27. I liked this post (FB username is Elena Istomina)

  28. I like New York Chica on Facebook as Elena Istomina

  29. E-mail subscriber

  30. My fave place for a local playdate is the High Line near Chelsea. Thanks for the contest and for linking to Momtrends Saturday Swag!

  31. Amanda S. says:
  32. Amanda S says:
  33. Amanda S says:
  34. Amanda S says:
  35. Janice Cooper says: