Celebrating Strawberry Shortcake’s 30th Birthday at Alice’s Tea Cup

(photo credit)

Wow! Can you believe the cute little red-headed Strawberry Shortcake is 30 years old? I’m shocked! I had no idea I was older than her!

Boo Hoo! 😉

I’ve always love Strawberry Shortcake ever since I could remember.  I had the doll in my possession when I was 5 years old and she would go everywhere with me. I would even fall asleep sniffing her hair.

I was so obsessed with the doll that one year I was even  Strawberry Shortcake for Halloween back when the costumes came in a box and the masks were hard and made out of plastic. Those were the good ol’ days.

She was truly my first BFF.

When I got the invitation a few weeks ago from some of my favorite people/bloggers Beth (Rolemommy.com), Kimberly (Mominthecity.com) and American Greetings about her 30th celebration, I was elated.  I quickly told my 5 year old and she screamed with excitement. She LOVES Strawberry Shortcake too.

This special event was not only to help celebrate Strawberry’s 3oth birthday,  it was a also a chance for bloggers to take a sneak peek at the new Hub TV channel as well as the Retro Doll Collector’s Set and a new Strawberry Shortcake  iPhone Application created by Somacreates.com, which I’ll talk about briefly at the end of this post.

I, on the other-hand, was super excited about the venue.  Since I’ve heard lots of great things about Alice’s Tea Cup (E 64th St.) from several people,  I was thrilled to finally visit the place, especially since I heard they make the best Pumpkin Scones in New York City!

When my daughter and I arrived to Alice’s Tea Cup, we were escorted upstairs to the second floor.  There we saw a huge Strawberry Shortcake just standing there ready to greet us.  My daughter was so happy to see her in person.

After her initial shock of seeing Strawberry Shortcake “in the flesh”, we walked toward the tables they set out for the kids —  a table for coloring, a table to check out the new HubWorld Network on laptops, face painting and even a table to get a personalized caricature.

During the event, several flat screens were showing the brand new HubWorld Network where you could watch episodes of Strawberry Shortcake, Twisted Whiskers and Maryoku Yummy.  Every now and then I caught my daughter starring at the screen with a great big smile.  I could tell she was an extremely happy girl.

After she colored and was “settled in”, she decided on getting her face painted.  She truly is the girly-girl type.  She opted for the pink eye shadow with a cute little strawberry on her forehead.  She looked adorable.

While I mingled with some friends and checked out the yummy food on display, I allowed my daughter to do her thing.

While she colored some more, I took a small stroll over to the dining table where they had an array of scones, sandwiches, desserts and tea with a variety of flavors.

I was in pure heaven.

I spotted the Pumpkin scone I talked about before and you know what? The scone was THE BEST scone I ever had.  I can’t wait to go again but this time with my 11 year old daughter — she loves anything pumpkin just like her mama.

After stuffing my face, I went over to see what my daughter was doing and she was on one of the laptops checking out the new HubWorld Network online. She was definitely in her “zone” enjoying every second.

When it was her turn to get her caricature done, she sat down like she was a model. Makes me wonder if I should take her to an acting/modeling agency. Hmmmm. See for yourself:

She loved the attention she was getting. After her “modeling pose”, we took some pictures with the stars.

After spending several fun-filled hours at Alice’s Tea Cup, it was time to head home. But before we left, the NYC bloggers got together for a photo opp.

Mitch, Kim, Onica, Linda, Suzanne, Beth, Me, Yahkini & her cute son.

**A HUGE thanks to Beth and Kim for inviting us. We had a blast. You girls really know how to throw a great blogger event! Thanks for the goodie bag too!

Strawberry Shortcake iPhone App

Description: Celebrate 30 sweet years of Strawberry Shortcake with the smash hit #1 kid’s game! Join Strawberry at her Café for an exciting fruit smoothie sensation. Children and parents alike will enjoy playing this fast-paced game exclusive to the iPhone and iPod touch.

Strawberry Shortcake needs your help to serve up perfect fruit smoothies. Sort the fruit into the correct smoothie glasses as fast as you can, but watch out for the sour berries–they can ruin your perfect smoothie creation.

Look for Strawberry’s berry best friends, Blueberry Muffin, Lemon Meringue, and Orange Blossom to make special guest appearances at Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bistro Café.

My 5 year old daughter and I loved this application. I was sent a promo code from SomaCreates.com to preview the app on my iPod Touch. After I downloaded the app, I gave it a try. I love it because it’s a high-paced game that will never bore you and the game can be adjusted to your level. It’s a fun game for kids of all ages but in my opinion, it’s geared more toward little girls because it’s very girly — perfect for my little one.

For 99¢, it’s a good deal for keeping your child busy and have fun while you do something else. Or you can also compete with your child but since my daughter is very competitive, she didn’t like the fact that I was faster than her so we stopped playing against each other. 😉

To download the app, click on this link.

Disclosure: I received a promo code for the review of the app and a goodie bag for attending Strawberry Shortcake’s 30th Birthday. No other compensation was provided.


  1. Ohh sooo cute. I love Strawberry Shortcake. I will be sure to download this app for my kiddo. She will surely enjoy it.


  2. Looks like it was a great time. I’ve heard so many good things about Alice’s Tea Cup. Hopefully when my daughter is a little older, we can go together!

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