When Friends Help

This past weekend, my family and I went away for the weekend for a road trip to Lancaster, PA, Philly and Washington D.C with a fabulous ride – The Volkswagen Routan that was loaned to us (post on that coming up) for review purposes.  It was a great experience (post coming up).

While I was away, I knew I wouldn’t be blogging or Tweeting so I didn’t want my blog to be on a standstill.  So I asked a few of my friends if they wanted to be guest writers here and two of them agreed.  I was so happy and of course grateful.

So I just wanted to give my two friends, Ofelia & Rachel a huge THANK YOU for being a guest poster here.  I loved what you both wrote and I hope everyone else did too.

Thanks for saving New York Chica 😉 You girls ROCK!!!


  1. Aww! Thanks for the shout out!!!

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